Chapter Nine: Just One Knight

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(HAPPY BIRTHDAY, THOMAS! Our little gumdrop is now 28! This chapter is dedicated to the lovely birthday boy, Thomas Sanders)

*Anxiety's POV*

How is it that I am thoroughly exhausted and I'm not even the one driving this stupid horse. It felt like we had been riding on this death trap horse for hours; my back was aching, my thighs were sore and my mouth was so dry, I would happily trade Princey for a bottle of water. How long had we been riding anyway? A quick peek up from Princey's back confirmed that it had been hours, seeing as how the purple skies had morphed into jet black ones and the crows that roamed the skies were now replaced by vultures.


How had we been riding for this long though? I hadn't heard Princey whine about the journey even once and we hadn't stopped for a rest at all. I pursed my lips together before deciding I should see what on earth he's doing.

I slowly lifted my head up behind his right shoulder blade to look at him. My vantage point was awkward and slightly crooked, but this was the best way I could look at him without him seeing me. I was surprised at the sight I saw. It didn't look the usual Disney goon who plagued my existence. He looked, well, like a prince.

His face hard set, with a glaring look of determination in his eyes. Absolutely no visibly signs of sleep deprivation, His eyes weren't glazed over with exhaustion either, they were alert and even in the blackest black of night, I could see his orbs sparkling... Sometimes I forget that he is an actual prince. Right now, he sure looked like one.

No wonder he can ride a horse for hours without getting tired; he does this almost on the daily. I'm not the first person he's saved--

I'm not the first person he's saved...and surely, I won't be the last.

The image of multiple royals jumping into Princey's arms and thanking him with kisses after he's saved them was just too much. I buried my face back into his shirt and hoped my scowl wouldn't leave an imprint on the fabric.

Why did I have to have that stupid dream? All it did was give me a clearer picture of what I could never have. My brain may not be my best friend, but it was being downright cruel to me these days...

Suddenly, I felt the horse neigh and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I felt all of the weight on the horse lean backwards as the horse went back on its hind legs. Out of instinct, I tightened my iron grip Princey's sides, I was afraid I may cut off his circulation. He deserved it though for making me ride this stupid thing.

I heard the royal let out a "Woaaah!" to the horse as I felt the horse stop moving. Were we stopping? Was it over? Could I finally get off? The realization that I would no longer have to ride on this horrifying animal was counteracted with the bitterness of realizing I would have to let Princey go; I've never held him like that before, or for that was sort of nice, I guess. Though, it was over almost as quickly as it began.

I carefully let my hands slip from his waist as he gracefully de-mounted the steed. Boy, he really did know what he was doing. It was reassuring to know that at least he wasn't totally incompetent in this situation.

"There's a small, abandoned inn where we can rest for the night. Tomorrow morning, we'll brainstorm ideas on how to get home." Princey said, while petting the horse. Why is he giving this stupid thing attention?

I glanced at the ground and then at the back of the horse's head. Again, my brain me wanted to move, but my muscles weren't quite getting with the program.

"Anxiety?" I heard Princey speak.

"Hmm?" I asked, my hand holding onto the saddle so tight that my knuckles were turning white.

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