Chapter Thirty: A Dark Rescue

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*Princey's POV*

I stared down at it, in awe of its utter beauty. I'm glad I took this month to design it; anything pre-made wouldn't have felt as personal. It took thousands of scribbled upon papers and digital designs before I finally crafted the perfect one. I hope he likes it. He deserved the very best from me, and that included his engagement ring. I sighed as a glimmer from the sun caught the reflections of the gem and made it sparkle. I frowned a bit for a moment, thinking it may be too much and maybe I should have gone with my second design, but I shook my head, knowing full well that it's not the ring that means something, it's the commitment. Loving someone forever and always being by their side. This is why I'm marrying him, er, asking, at least. I blew a kiss toward the ring and capped it close in its box.

"Soon, my love

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"Soon, my love." I whispered as I tucked it safely away in the false bottom of my dresser drawer.

I hummed happily as I continued to rummage through my Anxiety memorabilia. I placed our photos from Disney into the drawer as well as the sewing kit I used to sew the little heart into his jacket. I chuckled as I peeked at the little heart-shaped hole in my sash. I didn't mind one bit though. Giving him a little piece of my heart was easy, offering to spend the rest of my life with him was the easiest decision ever. The hard part would be getting him to agree. He could easily pass by me, choose someone more like himself, choose someone more worthy of him, but if the planets align and the stars are in my favor, he'll make me the luckiest prince on planet earth.

As I was straightening up my desk, making sure that Anxiety wouldn't find the ring prematurely, a small piece of paper floated to the floor. Once I retrieved it, the corners of my lips tugged upwards into a smile. It's my list. My Anxiety list. I sat down to immerse myself in the knowledge I'd collected over these past six months.

Can Hold a Note
Is A Disney Fan
Never Said I was Wrong
Afraid of Horses
Doesn't wear Pajamas
Tastes like Black Licorice

These are the things I've learned about Anxiety

I smiled and shook my head as I thought of the several things I could have added to this list since we began dating; those were more private though. Even though this paper would never leave my room, it still didn't feel right to put intimate knowledge onto parchment with ink. Certain things stayed between myself and Anxiety, and they were only for us. There were a few quirks, however, that I'd like to document.

I clicked my pen open and jotted down some of the things I'd retained from the past few months, giggling at some and smiling widely at others. Each of these just made me love him even more as I recounted our story. I wonder if, years from now, future generations will find this and know our love story? I wonder if they'll ever begin to comprehend the intense, burning love I have for this man? It's doubtful that any human could wrap their head around how much I love him, but this is a story that surely needs to be recounted in textbooks.

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