Chapter Twenty-One: The Happiest Place On Earth

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*Princey's POV*

I was filled with an insurmountable glee as I trotted along the asphalt path back to the car. Anxiety and I had been on the road now for two hours and he insisted we stop at the convenience store for some snacks, so, being the wonderfully devoted, caring boyfriend that I am, I happily obliged.

I know it sounds crazy, I know it's the kookiest assembly of people that ever could have been dreamt up, but the attraction, the spark, the love, it's there. He hasn't said it back yet, but that's okay. I don't need to know he's in love with me; I just need him to know how I feel. I'm well aware that Anxiety isn't as quick to confess his emotions, or even develop emotions, for that matter, so him not saying 'I love you' isn't a big deal for me. He knows he has my heart and that's good enough for now.

I emerged from the 7/11, slushies, doritos and gummy worms in toe. I stopped to hold the door open for a mother with a little one on her hip. I smiled and mouthed 'Hi' to the itty bitty, who just grew the biggest smile behind her blue pacifier. I swooned and almost teared up at how precious she was.

I believe her mother noticed me fawning over her toddler and tousled her beautiful blonde corkscrew curls.

"Can you say thank you, Persephone?" The mom said quietly to the sweet little darling.

"Ank woo!" The sugar plum giggled behind her binky, her smile growing wider and revealing a few baby teeth to enhance her smile.

"Aw, you're quite welcome, Persephone. That's a beautiful name. Fit for a goddess and a princess." I informed her with a bow.

I heard the tiny tot giggle and babble a bit and I felt my heart swelling at the precious sounds she was making.

"She's absolutely adorable. How old is she?" I asked her mother, thinking she couldn't be more than one or two years old.

"She is turning two soon, can't believe how the time has passed. It feels like just yesterday, I was carrying her around in my belly." She informed me, adding a playful poke to the toddler's tummy. "Do you have any kids of your own?"

"Oh no, not right now, but I absolutely would love to have kids in the future." I told her honestly. I may not be as fatherly as Patton, but I always dreamed of bringing home my little kidlets from the hospital, raising them, introducing them to Disney, even taking them on trips just like this one. I can't imagine my life without being a father.

"Ooh, any potential parents in the running?" She asked me as she adjusted her daughter's little ballerina slipper.

I could feel the blush formulating on my cheeks as soon as she asked that question.

"Um... potentially, yes. I dunno, we haven't really talked about the future, much less, about kids." I admitted sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Is it serious?"

Good question. Was it? I know it was serious for me. I loved Anxiety. I could see a future with him eventually, but could he? It takes two to tango and two to sign a marriage certificate.

My pause gave the young mother all the information she needed.

"Well, if it is, I suggest you have that talk sooner rather than later. It's the worst feeling to invest your time and heart in someone who doesn't want to stick around for the long haul."

I nodded, knowing that she was right and I definitely should talk to him about where this was going, where we were going.

"You're absolutely right. Thank you so much. Goodbye..."

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