Pump It Up

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This is Natalie Cavin from Pump It Up radio station and I have the beautiful and talented Danielle Fulton here with us. If that name is new to some of you, Danielle is one of the youngest, hottest producers in the industry, producing tracks for Aaliyah, Xscape, and even Faith Evans just to name a few. Danielle is no stranger to the industry and she is here to explain how she was introduced to the industry and so on. First and foremost, hello Ms. Danielle."

"Thank you, Natalie, and thank you Pump It Up for inviting me." Danielle had a voice of an angel, some said while others envied her because of her gorgeous looks and caring personality. Rocking an all-black Adidas track suit and a pair of oversized black shades, Danielle found herself warming up to the atmosphere surrounding her.

"First thing is first, tell us a little more about yourself. Who are you? Where were you born at? Paint a picture for those out there who are dying to know."

Chuckling nervously into the microphone, Danielle replies, "For those who do not know who I am, I am Danielle but I prefer Danni, and I am a young music producer/ director in the making. Texas is my home town, born and raised. I pretty much raised myself until I went off the college and I so happen to apply for a few record labels as an intern―"

"Uptown Records was one of those labels you applied to?"

"Yes. I remember doing that entire process while in school preparing for my last semester. I originally wanted to get my credit and graduate with a BS in Music. To make a long story short, I accepted the offer at Uptown Records and the rest is history."

"I did my own little research about you," Natalie chuckles lightly, "And you have one hell of a resume. Not only were you given the opportunity to look upon artists as they worked, but you were given the permission to help produce albums. Like Jodeci. What was different about Jodeci that made you want to work with that group?"

"Talent. Raw talent. New Edition is probably the last group of my liking that had that natural and raw talent. Don't get me wrong, I love groups like Boyz II Men, Mint Condition, and H-Town, but something caught my attention when Jodeci first came out with Forever My Lady. Although I didn't know them at the time, I loved watching them perform as one, and you don't see that a lot with male groups. Each member played their part and they owned up to that specific part, and together you have Jodeci.

"Was it different working with Jodeci?"

"No." Danielle blurts out defensively. "Put yourself in my shoes Natalie. You have this young Texas girl with a heavy Texan accent moving to New York; no family, no money, and most of all, no experience. Nobody wanted to work with my when I first moved. In the beginning, I had a tough time fitting in, at the point I told myself to put on my big girl panties and do my job. I wasn't there to make friends. I didn't care about what people had to say about me. I worked side by side with both Andre Harrell and P. Diddy, and then soon they introduced me to Jodeci."

"I admire your thrive and hunger when it comes to accomplishing your goals." Natalie comments. "Let's dig deeper into your personal life. While working with Jodeci, which member happened to be your favorite?"

Danielle covered the microphone and begins to laugh like a teenage star struck girl. The question had thrown her off her loop for a second, yet she did not mind. "I have no favorites Natalie, I like them all equally. JoJo is like a soft gummy bear. He is so sweet and kind, and I love that about a man. K-Ci is the wild child," she cackles, "He is something special but he manages to put a smile on my face whenever I see him. Mr. Dalvin is definitely the ladies' man but he is still the gentleman and he has the upmost respect for women―"

"And Devante?" Natalie questions, cutting Danielle off. Natalie had a sneaky look in her eyes, as if she knew something Danielle did not. Danielle peeped it but because they were on air, she decided to hold her tongue until the interview is over.

    "Devante is the glue that holds the group together. People left to right keep questioning me about Devante's position in the group. They think that he is not talented, but I bet when they turn on the radio and hear 'Feenin' over the radio or 'Cry For You' they have no idea that he wrote and produced those songs, and plenty more."

    "Now...I am not the one to promote gossip and rumors. There is a little rumor floating around and of course I just had to ask. Are you romantically involved with any members from Jodeci?" As if, was the response Danielle wanted to blurt out. Studying the interviewer from the fake honey blonde wig on her head to the cheap silky blouse sporting off her oversized melons, women like Natalie is the reason why women are repeatedly hated around the world.

    "I am not going to give you the opportunity to believe those rumors, and I am not telling you not the believe them. I am a private person and what I do with my personal life is my business and my business only."

    Grinding her teeth with boiling anger, Natalie forced a fake smile on her red-painted lips. "Since working at Uptown Records, has it influenced you musically?"

    "I first learned music way when I was a little girl and that progressed up until I graduated. If it was not for P. Diddy calling my phone that day, and if it was not for my best friend answering my phone for me that day, I would not be sitting here and I am being one hundred percent honest. Andre and his team welcomed me with open arms and in return, I give you music."

    "Being that you worked side by side with Devante Swing, whom produced tracks for Al B Sure, Usher, and even H-Town, has he influenced you as well?"

    "Of course. I would tell him this at least ten times a day, but he is a genius. He has an eye for music. He knows what he wants to hear and what he wants, he delivers. Devante was kind enough to take some time from his hectic schedule to train me on what he knew and what he wanted me to know from songwriting to producing tracks using live instruments. If you don't respect him as an artist and producer, then stop listening to music period!"

    "And there you have it. For all your music lovers out there, make sure to be on the lookout from Jodeci's upcoming album The Show, the After Party, the Hotel. Thank you, Danielle, for stopping by and giving us a peak of your life. Please join us tomorrow. None other than BBD will be in the building, and ladies, the fellas just might have a special treat for you all. Stay tuned in. This is your girl Natalie at the hottest radio stations in New York, Pump-Pump It Up!"

    The very second Danielle pulled off her headphones, Natalie was on her like white on rice. Rubbing her seven-month swollen belly, she smirks deviously, "I am glad we were able to meet face to face, being that you will be playing step mommy our love child." By our, she meant Devante and her. Danielle, being professional, simply gathered her belongings in silence.

    "I mean," Natalie continues, "it is cute, you and Devante that is but I promise you Danielle, it will not last. Devante and I have history―"

    Shielding the fake antics with her hand, Danni put an end to the fake bullshit. "I came here to do an interview. I do not give a damn about you or Devante. Devante and I are cool but what the hell we had is in the past. I will be the adult and admit that I was dumb as hell for mixing business and pleasure. The person I thought I loved was not ready for a commitment and I don't have time to wait ten damn years to be in a relationship. I respect your relationship with Devante and I am ecstatic about the baby but please leave me out of the bullshit."

    Natalie crosses her arms across her chest, appalled by Danielle's response. Eyeing the beautiful woman within her presence with envy, a part of her wanted to be in Danielle's shoes and not the other way around. "Please do not insult my intelligence. Of course, you still care about Devante and I know somewhere in that little ass heart of yours, you feel some way about me carrying his first offspring."

    "No ma'am," she snickers to herself, "I am young, I have a fresh degree under my belt, and I have experience within the industry. Why in the hell would I feel some way about you having a baby? Why would I be angry? What is the point in be a scorned woman when I am woman enough to move on. I shared some joyous memories with Devante but I have moved on and honestly, I think you should too. Remember Natalie, you can have the last laugh, do you have the key to his heart though?"

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