Me Vs. Them

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"Deceit...hopelessness...death" -Danni


    After my whole birthday travesty, I learned two things; one, birthdays are meant to be spent hiding at the school library eating Twinkies until I have the urge to barf, and two, my friends are a piece of shit, and yet I have decided to forgive and forget. I am going to forgive myself to even entertaining that bullshit and forget that it ever happened. The weekend flew by and I spent every aching second catching up on some much-needed homework. Graduation is exactly three weeks away. I'm walking across that damn stage even if it kills me. This intern position went from wonderful to horrible within four short months. I believe I deserve to walk across that stage.

    I woke up this morning feeling a billion times better. I tossed that ugly ass red wig in the trash, washed my natural hair and straightened it all in two hours. My choice of outfit today is a simple, yet classy white sleeveless turtle neck halter top, a pair of tight khaki shorts, with a pair of white wedges and gold accessories to complete my outfit. I oughta be a fashion mogul. My outfit is to die for. It is better than that baggy shit TLC, SWV, and Xscape wears.

    "You are special, you are a gift, you are God's child." Having bipolar disorder is one downfall in my life. I started having symptoms in the fourth grade; after being abandoned from my mother. I would break down with rage whenever a kid would taunt me for not having parents. When there was mother appreciation day at school, I used to walk around school and scribble on the flyers, making little devil horns everywhere. It worsened once I reached middle school. I practically lived in detention. If I wasn't beating a bitch's ass, then it was my mouth that got me in trouble. In high school, I toned it down and focused on my grades. I graduated first in my class; yes valedictorian. I managed to go to college and live there for four years without a single fight. Now, how when I move to New York, I start fighting over a man who doesn't know what he wants in life? All Devante needs is guidance; listening to his no-good ass friends is ruining his life. I forgive Devante, though. I don't want to hold any grudges. All I have to do is talk with Andre and Puff before my internship expires.

    "Wassup kid." Puff calls out to me when I entered his office. He had company. An overly large fella rocking an old jersey and a pair of worn out kicks. Besides his lazy eye, this fella is kind of cute. Hey, I can deal with a teddy bear, if he treats me like a woman.

    "Hey Sean. Hi, I'm Danni." My future teddy bear reached out and kissed my hand.

    "Christopher, but I go by Biggie. Biggie Smalls."

    Biggie what?

    "Interesting name," I said to him, smiling from hiding the humor. "So Sean, I was wondering if we could talk for a minute."

    "Sure. Take a seat." I took a seat next to Biggie.

    "I just wanted to apologize for the other day. It was out of my character and if I gotten you in trouble, I wanted to apologize for that as well."

    For some reason sitting in front of Sean is nerve wracking. He just sits there staring into your soul with those hands of his tapping on the desk. "You don't have to apologize. We were both out of line that day. But on the bigger and brighter things, I took your advice. Say hello to Uptown's newest artist, Biggie Smalls."

    My eyes widened with excitement. The greatest gift to any young, aspiring rapper is getting signed to a major record New York; where dreams do happen. "Congratulations! I can picture you now; selling albums, selling out shows, and becoming someone's role model. You definitely have a gift."

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