On My Grown Woman Shit

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  "Misery loves company."

Dallas, Texas
July 2000


    "You could've told me your ugly ass was in Atlanta. Thanks for giving me the head's up." This bitch. We supposed to be going over some important documents for our new night club/school, Harlem; after our late friend and roommate who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was Harlem's dream to open a night club in Texas. Me being the brains and Bria knowing how to bring a crowd, us opening a night club will bring in money.

    "Well hello to you too best friend. And thank you, my day is fabulous, how about yours?" Bria and her sarcasm and kiss my ass.

    "Kill the bullshit Bria, you could've told me that you were going out of town. We are meeting with the investors today and they are expecting us both, not just me." We've found a location for our night club, all we need is the money to invest in the club instead of investing our own money. I found this white dude who was interested in partnering with us. Jeffrey Logan is his name; a sexy ass redneck whose interest is deer hunting. I was skeptical at first until his lawyer contacted my lawyer and sent over the information of his several businesses across the globe. Bria has not met him yet because she is always in Georgia doing God knows what.

    "Take my brother." She suggests. I pulled the phone from my ear and stared at it in disbelief. I quickly hung up the phone on her ass. There is no way in hell I am taking my junkie husband to an important meeting regarding money and our future. Nathan and I are...we are an item only because I was tired of living the lonely life. I left his ass once in college and now, we are married―newlyweds. The only damn reason I agreed to marry Nathan was because his mother pressured us. We used her 'having cancer' act on us; which is true, but the woman ain't dying. Nathan skipped the proposal and drug me, along with his entire family, to the courthouse. Let me be honest for a second, I am twenty-nine years old. I am a year away from being thirty. Now, my old ass ain't want to be seen at a damn courthouse to get married. My cheap husband ain't have the money for a wedding, his broke ass family was not about to contribute, which left me and my money. Behind his back I contacted my lawyer about me signing a pre-nup. Meaning, if I divorce his ass, he ain't getting shit from me. The nigga only had twenty dollars in his pocket when we got married, and once we split, I will gladly give him his twenty dollars back. To sum up my horrible life, I pay all the bills, I am the only one working, while Nathan spends all my hard-earned money on fucking alcohol and drugs. See, his folks thinking since Nathan married me that he is entitled to my money. Negative, the money I did make from making records and to the money I have now, I have it sitting in a security deposit box in New York. I ain't that damn dumb.

    Nathan and I rekindled our relationship in 1997 when I moved back to Texas. About a year later I noticed the little things that Nathan stopped doing; like buying food, buying me little gifts, and even rubbing my feet. The money that he was making working at his uncle's tire shop, he spent on drugs―heroin, to be exact. Why am I still with a junkie? Because I have a fear of being alone. I hate sleeping alone at night. I hate waking up to an empty bed. I deal with my husband out of fear of dying alone. I want to leave Nathan, yet I get tired of covering my black eyes with shades or lying to the doctor about my broken ribs and fractured nose. I lie to Bria, although she knows the truth. She knows about her psycho ass brother. I am the one who has to deal with his ass, not her. The man I used to love, the man who used to be so fine, looks like a walking skeleton. The drugs are getting to him. I believe it is more than the drugs. HIV or AIDS, maybe. It could be anything. And till this day, I ain't opening my legs to no man, not even my husband.

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