Silly Bitch in Love

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"Shoulda. Coulda, Woulda" ―T-Boz


(Ten minutes earlier...)

    "I ain't got time for this shit." Harlem ranted. "I'm 'bout to fuck me up a bitch tonight. Nigga got me fucked up. How dare he take me son, but got the nerve to be fuckin' the next bitch while his lady downstairs and shit. Fuck that."

      I tried being supportive. I tried playing shit off as if I ain't give a fuck. But when niggas bringing kids into the bullshit, all that home training and being nice don't even meet my caliber. I want to beat the niggas ass to the point where my kids have to visit me in prison for fucking life. Dalvin muthafuckin' DeGrate can walk around all fuckin' day like he ain't got a son at home, and then turn the fuck around and call me a terrible mother. Yet, this nigga is here freaking bitches while my fucking son is MIA.

    As I was walking upstairs, that chick with the long hair, Chilli's word rung in my head like a damn bell. "What is the point of you being here? Do you want some type of sympathy? Here you are fuckin' around with Dalvin, getting pregnant by him, while being in a whole fuckin' relationship with a chick. That's just nasty to me. Either way you look at it, you set your own self up for failure since the beginning." I set myself up for failure the moment I peed on that damn stick and confirmed that I was pregnant again. My baby girl, Amilia Courtney Washington-DeGrate will be here is less than three months and Dalvin has not said shit about what he is going to do; I don't know if he is going to help me with her, or put his ass on child support.

    Brooke and I went our separate ways. She entered the last room on the left, while I crept in the first room that had been closed. As I entered, the sight before me nearly caused me to vomit. This bitch...the bitch that I once called friend, was riding Dalvin as if her life depended on it. I mean titties and ass bouncing every damn where. It's fucked up how Dalvin was cheating on his girl like that. I stood there in disbelief. And this is the bastard that I gotten pregnant by. Feeling a presence near, I turned slightly to find T-Boz standing near me with a goddamn gun in her hand. Where the fuck did this bitch get a gun from? Noting the fire in her eyes, along with tears, I stepped in front of her, really putting my child in danger.

    "Damn Dalvin, I hope the pussy was worth it." Jumping hard than a muthafucka, Dalvin scrambled to get off the bed. Next thing I knew, T-Boz pushed my ass out the way and charged at Dalvin, busting him in the nose with the butt of the gun. Out of reflex, I slammed the door with my foot and then locked it. This shit is between the four of us.

    "Damn T, CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" Dalvin screamed out, as blood immediately leaked from his nose like a broken faucet. He tried his best to block the heavy blows, but this chick literally transformed into a monster.

    "How could you, you nasty ass bastard? And then you cheat on me with this STD havin' bitch!" She shouts, aiming her gun at Bria, who is balled in a corner crying hysterically.

    "STD?" I shrieked in shock. Dalvin hasn't touched me since we conceived our daughter. Then again, I ain't know Dalvin's nasty ass was walking around burning. "Really muthafucka? Your dirty ass could've given me something knowing damn well I'm carrying your daughter."

    "Oh, and you cheat on me with that―that lesbian?" Then, the crazy bitch aimed her gun at me. I kept my mouth shut. Don't get the wrong idea now. I love guns. I love shooting guns at the gun range. Guns do not put fear in my heart. Out of respect for T-Boz, I am keeping silent so this bitch can get her point across.

    "C'mon baby, let me explain." Dalvin pleads, now holding his busted nose with his hand. Blood begins to pour rapidly from his nose. And that eye on his. He has a huge gash above his left eye. It didn't take long for blood to stain the pearl white fury carpet. 

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