The Point Of No Return

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"When you look into my eyes, do you see     beauty?" ―Danielle

College Station, Texas

December 1993

"What is the point of going out when I can stay home and study for finals?" Partying and going out the clubs is not my kind of scene. Call me nerdy, but I would rather cuddle with my man and watch movies all night. According to my girls, I am a party pooper but can you blame me? Every time I do decide to go out and party, I end of having a horrible experience. Mainly because I take on the responsibility of babysitting all three of my friends who does not know how to contain their liquor intake.

    "No ma'am, your ass is going out regardless of what you say." Bria is my only best friend, really the only female I consider family. We are the opposites with me being the bookworm and her being the party animal. God linked us together our freshman year at Texas A&M University. After leaving the homeless shelter the day of my eighteenth birthday, it was fate that guided me down the right path. College was not in my plan. I received an academic scholarship that covered my first-year tuition and housing. Since then, College Station has been my home.

    "That is easy for you to say Bria, your dumb ass barely attend class. I happen to attend all my classes and pass. I refuse to retake this semester because you want to go out."

    "Grow a pair of balls and live for once." Harlem and Brooke are my other two roommates, who happen to be fraternal twins. Brooke reminds me of a butterball. She is a little on the chubby side and her golden skin glistens under the sunlight. Harlem is a coke-bottle shape chick with an almond complexion. Like Bria and I, the twins are opposite. They are both country as hell. Harlem is a tad bit calmer than Brooke, who loves attention. I met them last year when Bria and I decided to get an apartment off campus. They are a way. I vibe better with Harlem than her sister Brooke. Brooke is a bitch, trouble maker, a coward, a whore...I mean, anything negative you can think of, Brooke is that bitch.

    "And you need to clip that hair on your upper lip and stay in your lane!" When it comes to Brooke, I am zero tolerate. I keep it cordial because I am her sister's friend, and most importantly, we all live together. I am Anti-Brooke because I recently―three months ago, caught her and my ex-boyfriend, Nathan fucking in his truck. Although I wanted to beat her ass that night, I chose to be the better person and leave it in God's hands. I broke up with Nathan that night and ever since then, my relationship with Brooke has been strained. 

    "Y'all two bougie bitches need to kiss and make up, or shut the fuck up. Y'all always blowin' my high." Harlem came strutting into the living room dressed like a super model. Bria, the night before, pressed Harlem's natural hair and curled it afterwards. Harlem, Brooke, and Bria are all dressed up to impress while I am looking like somebody's auntie wearing Scooby-Doo pajamas.

    "The lil nerd always has something fly to say." Brooke complained. "One day I'mma knock her ass out."

    "How when you can't even fight?" Bria asks, walking into the living room with an outfit in her hands, a metallic silver mini skirt with a slit stopping right above the upper thigh, with a white long sleeve blouse that has a deep V in the middle, that will showcase a lot of my C-cup cleavage.

    Brooke silently flicked Bria, inhaling the freshly lit blunt that she rolled earlier. "You want me to wear that?" I ask, pointing at the outfit and heels.

    "Well Jesus ain't wearing it." She responds, sticking out her tongue in a playful manner. "Get up and get dressed. We are leaving in ten."

   "Damn, this club is packed." Wall to wall, people are hugging the wall, dry humping on the dance floor, or making their way to the bar buying drinks. Like I mentioned, I rarely go to the club, but when I do, I tend to enjoy myself. Poison by BBD of New Edition is literally the year's anthem. Can't nobody argue against me that BBD aren't the shit. Ronnie, Ricky, and Mike is what makes New Edition. Now with them making a name for their selves outside of New Edition, they have been a hit ever since.

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