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Texas/New York

January 1993


    "I think I am ready." Today is the day that I am moving; only for four months though. Just last month I was stressed and worried about Spring semester and even graduation. Being an intern in the music industry has been my dream since I was in high school. My life changed the day after I met Devante.

    "I am never drinking another drink a day in my life!" I grumbled loudly, holding my aching head with my hands. I should've known not the drink the day before Monday. Not only do I have early classes, but the constant ringing of my phone is an evident sign that I needed to get my butt up.

    "C'mon Danni, you going to be late for class." Bria loudly knocked on my door before proceeding to the bathroom. That is our usual routine. If I got up first, I would wake my roommates and vice versa. Kicking the comforter from my body, I hopped out of bed wearing nothing but a black t-shirt with the word 'Jodeci' printed on the back, and a pair of fuzzy hot pink socks; no bra or underwear.

    "What to wear today?" I asked myself while scanning through my closet for something warm to wear. Today is the official first day of Spring semester and I cannot afford to be late. After debating for damn near ten minutes, I decided on a pair of black windbreaker pants with a black long sleeve turtleneck shirt. My appearance describes me well; laid-back and comfortable. Brushing my naturally curly hair into a bushy high bun, I then proceeded out the door until the ringing of my phone halted me in mid-step.

    "Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller-ID.

    "This Danielle?" A heavy New York accent boomed through the receiver, fully waking me from my half slumber. There was a lot of talking and loud music in the background. At seven-thirty in the morning, there must be a logical explanation for this foolery.

    "That depends on who blowing up my phone early this morning. Whose calling?"

    "My bad." The caller apologized. "This is Puff and I was calling regarding Uptown Records―"

    "Uptown Records!" To say that I dropped to my knees and thank God for this phone call, I nearly forgot about the caller on the phone until Bria came waltzing in my room wearing a worrisome look on her face. She asked me what was wrong. Once I did she shoved the phone back in my hands and urged me to say something.

    "My apologies, but umm...I wasn't expecting your call."

    "We were backed up you know with releases and of course the holidays. I, myself want to apologize for not contacting you months ago regarding your application. Andre and myself looked over your application and references. If you were still interested in the position..."

    ...And the rest is...well, you get the point. A week later here I am packing my bags and headed for New York. The feeling is bitter sweet. Bitter because I am leaving home, the only home I have known for four years. My friends, especially Bria. Me knowing that I am leaving my girl behind breaks my heart. I know that she is excited for me, yet since getting that phone call, she's been distant from me. Whenever I walk into the same room that she is in, she makes some lame excuse and leave. Whenever I try to spark a conversation, she leaves. I don't want our friendship to end but I am no ass kisses. The whole week I prepared myself for this day, Harlem was the only one who helped me. Bria kept her distance and Brooke.

    "You ready babes?" Harlem and her girlfriend Jayda walked into my room hand in hand.

    "Yeah." It is going to take me a while to get adjusted to the fact that College Station will no longer be home. Once the internship is over and I graduate, New York might be my permanent home, unless I receive a job at another major record company. It saddens me that Bria did not see me off. My best friend. My ace boon coon. My sista from another mista. It hurts, but I am strong. I can get through this hardship.

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