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kim yeona

i strummed my guitar as i sang, closing my eyes. there were a few reactions from the judges that kept me going, despite the fact that i was extremely nervous.

as my song came to an end, i slowly opened my eyes to reveal my watery, reddened eyes. i sniffled, covering my mouth as i tried my best, not to cry.

"your voice is extraordinary." the first judge said, giving me a smile. "thank you." i said in an audible whisper. "you didn't fail to impress us, that's for sure." the second judge said.

"tell me, what's your inspiration?"

a small smile grew on my face. "my dad used to sing to my mother, every night before she fell asleep. she got extremely ill and eventually, she passed." i explained.

"my dad supported my passion for music and helped me in every way possible. my dad's my inspiration." i said, making the judges nod.

"we have a few special guests, do you mind?" one of the judges asked. i shook my head.

the door opens, making me look towards it. seven guys walked in, with masks which they removed as they saw me. my eyes widened.

"i-is this real? am i dreaming?" i asked in disbelief as they smiled at me. "congratulations, yeona noona." yugyeom says, making me furrow my eyebrows as i covered my mouth.

"w-what?" i asked. "you've been chosen as our new member."

i gasped. "i'm sorry, what? how? why?" i asked, still very confused and shocked.

"you know you're in an audition for got7's new member right?"

that explains a lot. the waiting room was full of guys. i thought i was in the correct room though. but then again, there were a few other auditions being held today.

a coincidence that fell right into my favour.


"dad." i said as i called my father, tears threatening to spill out from my eyes. "yeona, why do you sound so sad? what happened, sweetie?" he asked as concern filled his voice.

"i went to the wrong audition by accident. b-but something great happened." i said as i choked out with a nervous chuckle.

"what happened?"

"i-i'm the new member of got7."

there was a silence on the other end, which made me concerned.

"appa?" i called, furrowing my eyebrows. "you have no idea how proud i am of you." he says. "i won't put your efforts to waste, dad. i promise." i said.

"alright. alright. but the next time i'm in korea, i'm meeting those boys, alright?" he asks. "alright. thank you so much again, dad. i love you." i said with a smile.

"i love you too. take care."

and with that, the call was ended.

i was beyond happy, letting out a squeal.

"what happened? what happened?" jaebum asks in a rush as he barges into my room. "i-i'm sorry. i'm just really happy." i said, as i wiped my tears.

his worried expression melts into happiness as he opens his arms, offering me a hug. i hesitantly went forward and smiled, hugging him.

"don't think of us as idols anymore. we're all looking forward to getting to know you, yeona." he says sincerely as the both of us pull away.

"thank you, jaebum oppa." i said, making him smile. "now come join us for dinner, before the food gets cold."

i nod, looking back to my room first and the bunch of boxes that i still had to unpack.

i guess it can wait.

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