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i nervously walked out on stage with the boys, greeting the fans as they cheered, waving their light sticks in the air

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i nervously walked out on stage with the boys, greeting the fans as they cheered, waving their light sticks in the air.

i was wearing denim jeans with a white t shirt, with the ends tied into a knot. my hair wasn't its usual black anymore, it was red. i have not told my dad that i'd be dyeing my hair today so i couldn't wait to see his reaction later on during dinner.

"come and get it!" jaebum started. "got7! annyeonghaseyo, got7-inmida!" we said in unison, hyping up the crowd.

i held my mic in my hands as i timidly stood by jackson who was laughing along to whatever was happening.

"for all those who have not seen the latest episode of weekly idol and are wondering, who's this pretty lady?" jackson asks, wrapping an arm around me. i laugh, rolling my eyes as he bumps hips with me.

"this is our precious little flower and new member, kim yeona." jackson introduces, earning screams from the fans. though not all of them were positive.

"ahgase." mark says into his mic. "ne?" they answered harmoniously. "you'll take care of yeona, right?" he asks politely as he sits on the edge of the stage.

the fans squeal, some agreeing while the others, as i said, squealed. it was extremely loud.

"that's my girls." he says in english, making them squeal even louder. my cheeks reddened, as he glances over to me. "yeona, why don't you tell them a little more about yourself. does anyone have questions?" jinyoung asks.

"yeona unnie! how old are you?" someone shouts. "i'm a month younger than yugyeom-ie." i answered, earning a wave from yugyeom who stands up momentarily to wave at the crowd.

"is it true that you're related to exo's kai?" someone asks. "yes, he's my brother." i answered with a polite smile.

after awhile of answering questions, it was my turn to meet the fans. some of them were extremely hyper, screaming as they kneeled down on the cushion placed in front of the table.

i could hear some of the guys laughing at my shocked reaction. but could you blame me?

the staff constantly wanted to take away the gifts that i received, which i obliged with. but i kept on the bracelets that some of them chose to give me.

after awhile, we alternated people again and i had the mic in hand. i chased bambam around the room, who pulled my hair tie out, letting my hair fall to my shoulders.

"oppa!" i complained, frowning as i ran after him. i could hear some of the fans laughing and the boys were as well.

"yah!" bambam shouts as i jump on his back, wanting to grab my hair tie back. "piggyback rides!" youngjae says, earning laughs from the fans.

i look back to the stage, seeing mark sitting on the edge as he looks everywhere but at me. i furrow my eyebrows.

once i got my tie back, i hopped off bambam and began walking back to the stage as i tied my hair up.

then mark's eyes finally divert themselves to me, momentarily.


"hey dad." i greeted as my dad opened the door to reveal the boys and i. he smiles, giving me a hug.

"woah. look at your hair. you look very cute, darling." he says with a chuckle, patting my head. "you look like a dragonfruit." jongin says as he crosses his arms, laughing.

i rolled my eyes as he refers to my pale skin and fiery red hair that resembled that of the dragonfruit cut into half.

"and you look like trash." i spat, sticking out my tongue. "aigoo.. no fighting. jongin." dad warns, referring to the guests.

"hey guys. please, make yourselves at home." he says with a warm smile. "nice socks, idiot." jongin says, looking down to my feet that had batman socks on them.

"they're cute!" i insisted, sitting down on the carpet that surrounded the dish filled coffee table. "like me." he says with a smile.

"is it always like this?" jackson asks with a chuckle. "we don't spend time together. but when we do-" "yes." dad says, interrupting me, making everybody laugh.

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