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i was a little thankful that i had my own room in the guest house as well. it was extremely spacious and a small part of me wished that our dorm was as roomy as this.

beside this guest house, was the actual tuan household. mark, feeling the need to be with the group, decided that he would sleep in the guest house with us.

then top it off, bambam comes up with
another idea. he suggests for everybody to sleep out in the living room of the guest house, using blankets and pillows.

i didn't have any problem with that, i just found it unusual because other people would love be asleep on an actual bed.

but what did i know?

i got my towel and went for a shower, changing into sweatpants and a hoodie. i dried my hair with the towel, and hung it up on a hanger in my guest room. i laid out the clothes that i had intended to wear for tomorrow on the bed.

"yeona." i hear a familiar voice call from behind the door. "it's open." i responded. "hey, do you want to go for a walk?" mark asks as he peeks his head in.

i furrow my eyebrows, looking at him before shrugging. "sure."


"so, why the sudden want for a walk?" i asked as we stepped out unto the pavement and began walking.

"i guess you could say that i just wanted to talk." mark says simply, as he stuffs his hand into his pockets.

his hair was a little unruly, though it looked perfect anyway. his face was bare of makeup, but it was still glowing. he looked flawless even when he was natural.

i looked like a small bunny in my hoodie that was at least two sizes bigger than me, probably bigger. but my pants were actually fitted, which made sense.

"speaking of which, thank you for bringing my family out here. i really appreciate that." i said with a smile, looking up to him.

"stop thanking me." he says with a chuckle. "but you brought them all the way here, just so they could see the concert."

"i didn't do it because of that, yeona. i saw how you were during the flight and at the airport. i knew how you felt, because i felt the same when i first came back from korea. it didn't feel like home to me. i wished so much for my family to be with me in korea." he explains.

"so every time i come back here, i cherish it so much." he says as a smile grows on his face. "thank you for doing that for me." i said, making him chuckle.

"let's sit." he says, as we see a bench underneath shelter.

there was a moment of silence, as we admired our surroundings.

"yeona." mark says, breaking the silence. "yeah?" i asked, with a slight hum to my tone. "do you think that we'd make a good couple?" he asks.

"i-i don't know." i stuttered, fiddling with my fingers as i dropped my gaze to my lap. "holding hands, going on dates.. having nights just talking endlessly." he described. a small smile grows on my face.

i can't deny that that did sound magnificent.

"that sounds lovely. that would be amazing."

his gaze snaps over to me. "really?" my eyes widened as i realised that i had said that out loud.

"u-uhm.. yeah." i said trying to relax my expressions. "yeona." he says, making me look over to him.

"i like you." he says, in a low whisper. "i like you too, mark." i responded, giving him a small smile.

a small grows on his face, before he went back to being serious. our faces got closer and closer.

and before i knew it, our lips were joined and my hands had cupped his cheeks, and his ,held my sides.

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