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today's the day.

the big day.

i put on black leggings, a black shirt and an oversized navy jacket that had little embroidered logos on it. my hair was in a ponytail and my makeup was minimal, though i had a dark lip on.

i feel like it matched the album perfectly. the way the boys dressed was a mixture between western influenced and grunge with a hint of the korean style anyway.

mark looked adorable as always. he had a proper white button up on and an oversized leather jacket. his hair was styled into a quiff and his piercings were on full display.

"nervous yet?" jaebum asks. i nodded, before we stepped into the set of weekly idol. "don't be, doni and coni hyung are very nice." mark assures me, giving me a smile.

i kept quiet, still being hidden behind the cameras while the boys stood at the place where they'd usually pan the camera at, before they actually get introduced.

"weekly~" doni says. "idol!" they said in unison. "they've been here, just a month ago with the release of their brand new album. and a song that everybody knows, never ever!" coni says, making the boys smile, and cheer slightly.

"shh! this isn't a market!" coni scolds jokingly, making them laugh.

"and today, they're back with a secret that will be exclusively revealed on weekly idol." doni says.

"please welcome, the handsome boys of got7!" they said in unsion.

shopping mall started playing as they danced along, going over to the focus of the room.

"alright boys, let's cut to the chase." coni says in english, amazing the boys and myself.

"today, we bring you a secret that has been developing for maybe.. two weeks?" jaebum questions, looking back to the members.

"ne. just two weeks ago, we held auditions for jyp trainees to be the eighth member of got7." jinyoung explains.

"but! there's another twist, mark hyung!" jackson says, giving the honour to mark.

"our new member, is not like us. our new member, is a girl." mark says with a sincere smile. "kim yeona, come on out!" bambam says in an announcer tone.

i chuckle, walking towards them and facing the two mcs, greeting them before i bowed to the camera.

"come and get it!" jaebum starts.

"got7, annyeonghaseyo got7-inmida!" we said in unison.

"annyeonghaseyo, i'm kim yeona and i'm the newest member of got7. please take care of me!" i said, giving the camera a bow as they clapped.

"woah.. yeona you look so cute." doni says, making me chuckle. "thank you." i said, bowing. "tell us, what's it like? being the only girl in the dorm and such." "oh, right! all of them do stay in one dorm together." the mcs say.

i nod.

"well, all my life i've sort of been, one of the guys. i'm not really one to be the cheerleader girl or the girl who gets all the guys. i'm really just the girl who goes home after school and stays out of trouble." i explained.

"so when i moved into the dorm, i felt like i just got seven other friends." i said, giving the boys a smile.

"you have a brother correct?" coni asks. "yes. i do." i said, nodding. "for all those who are unaware, yeona is related to kim jongin, otherwise known as kai from exo."

"could i say something though?" i asked, to which doni and coni nod.

"i'd appreciate it if the fans do not compare us to one another. my brother and i are very different so i'd hope for all of you to understand that it could affect either one of us very much." i said, trying to keep a happy expression.

"woah.. for your age. you're very mature." coni says, making everybody laugh, including me.

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