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the ride back was comfortably silent, seeing as that everybody was full and tired. even the slightest snore could be heard.

of course, mark and i were the only ones awake. mark, because he was driving. and me, because i was reading the notebook.

i smiled as she wrote the same way she spoke.

friendly, warm and lovingly.

it was all so identical. her handwriting that i'd see on the notes she'd leave on my bedside table for me to read in the morning.

'she looks so much like i did. she's perfect. though jongin keeps referring to yeona as a guy. i wonder what'll happen when he realises that his brother is actually his sister. but i know they'll get along. i've got a strong feeling about yeona. something good, of course. my little princess will turn into a queen some day. i know it.'

her words were just as carefree as she was, at home. taking time to bake cookies and treats for my brother and i.

every time i passed by a bakery, i'd be reminded of her. but i guess that was a good thing. apart from her physical belongings, i had something else to remind me of her.

i looked up to see that we were parked and we were at the house already. my eyes divert themselves to mark who tries waking up youngjae. i let out a giggle, bringing his attention over to him.

"yah. help me get these kids up. don't just watch." he says with a playful chuckle, shaking his head. i nod, shaking jackson and bambam who were on either side of me.

"what? what? what's happening- oh." jackson asks in a panic before he realises that we were already here. i laugh, shaking my head. he wakes up jaebum while bambam wakes up yugyeom.

i gently pat jinyoung's head, making his eyes slowly flutter open. "ah.. are we here already?" he questioned in a husky voice before clearing his throat. i nod, as bambam opens the door.

i slowly got out, trying not to fall. bambam helps me, holding me by the arm so i didn't step into the puddle that was by my feet.

the light drizzle began to grow stronger, the little droplets of water multiplying very quickly. "get into the house, yeona." mark tells me as he gently pushes me in the direction of the cobblestone path.

i nod, slowly walking and entering the guest house. i stepped on the mat, so my shoes wouldn't ruin the tiles inside the house. i removed my shoes and went for a quick shower.

i changed into a new set of clothing that were decently loose and tied my hair up and away from my face.

they all slowly followed suit and washed up as well, knowing very well that the scent of the food we ate had attached itself to our clothes.

i quickly texted my dad, thanking him for the food and for the notebook. i texted my brother as well, though i didn't really know what to say to him because we weren't really the type to be mushy anyway.

the couch shifts, and a head lays on top of my lap. i put my phone down and my cheeks redden as i see mark.

"w-where are the rest?" i asked, looking around. "in their rooms, packing." he whispers as he smiles.

he takes my hand to his cheek and gently places a kiss on it as he shuts his eyelids. "tired?" i questioned softly as my heart began to melt at how adorable he was. "very." he whispered, cuddling up to me.

"you aren't normally like this.. what's up?" i asked with a nervous chuckle. "let's go out to the backyard. i don't want the boys to interfere." he says, standing up and reaching for my hand, lacing our fingers together as he pulls me up from the coach and to the backyard.

"i was just afraid." he says with a sigh as we both sit down. "that?" i asked. "when we go back to korea, we're idols again. our relationship isn't going to be normal. and it never will be normal. i'm just afraid that you might leave me when you realise that." he says with a sigh.

i smile a little as the regular mark, who takes care of me and treats me like a kid looked so vulnerable now.

"mark. i'm not going to leave you." i said, making him look up. "who said that our relationship has to be normal? we're not regular people, we don't have regular jobs. we're entertainers. having an irregular relationship doesn't always mean that it's going to be bad, right?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

a small smile spreads across his face as he brings me into his arms.

"that's my girl."

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