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"welcome back to korea!"
"jinyoung oppa!"

the airport was flooded with screams and the sound of cameras going off simultaneously with occasional flashes as well as they all fought for good pictures.

i followed behind yugyeom who was pushing a trolley with his and my belongings on it.

"carefully." he says as we left the terminal and went over to the van. the driver helps us with the unloading of our bags into the trunk. yugyeom and i then returned the trolley and got inside the van, as we waited for the other members.

soon, the other six members joined us and we were off to the dorms.

i wanted to do my laundry and sleep, but of course, the boys were wide awake.

"oppa... leave me alone, please." i mumbled as i hugged one of the couch pillows with my eyes shut. "entertain me." youngjae whines, shaking my arm.

"aigoo.. stop bother our maknae." jaebum scolds, making youngjae frown as he slowly backed away and into his room.

"coco!" he squeals and with that, the door shuts. i smile, shaking my head slightly.

"yeona. you should go to your room and rest." mark whispers as he brings me into his arms. "i'm comfortable." i muttered into his chest. "i know. i know. but i don't want the boys to see you asleep on the couch." he says. i chuckle as he says this.

"why are you laughing?" he asks. "you're so cute." i cooed, pinching his cheeks as i stood up. he smiles and stands up with me. "i'll let you rest." he says, placing a kiss on my forehead. "goodnight." i said, waving as i walked away. he chuckles, shooing me off.


"kim yeona! wakey wakey!" an obnoxious voice says. "kim jongin!" i screamed as he yanks on my leg. "you've guessed correctly! get up." he says as he sits on my bed.

"i just got back from america, oppa. let me sleep for at least thirty more minutes." i pleaded. "yeona. open your eyes." he says with a sigh.

i open my eyes to see a camera crew in my room. my eyes widened as i immediately greeted them. i slowly got up from my bed, grabbing my brother by the arm as he helped me.

"yeona, you don't look that different when you're not wearing makeup." one of the staff say. "that's because i don't really wear that much makeup on stage." i explained, as i stood beside my brother.

"alright, i'll explain what's happening. today, we'll be having a sibling day out together!" he cheers. my eyes lit up with joy. "really?!" i squealed, he nods.

"so go get ready. i'll wait in the living room." he says. i nod. quickly, i took a shower and changed into a white off shoulder shirt with black jeans and flats. i tied my hair into a ponytail and put on some perfume before i joined my brother in the living room.

"let me tell the others that i'll be going." i said to jongin who nods. i slowly knocked on all the other members' doors, but only one responded.

"it's open."

i opened the door and stepped into mark's room. "oppa, i'll be going out with jongin oppa for awhile, then i'll be back around dinner time, maybe?" i said. he looks up from his phone and gestures me over.

"alright. be safe. don't look at other guys." he says, giving me a peck. i smiled, nodding. he hugs me and allows for me to leave.

"let's go jongin-nie." i said as i walked out to the living room. he stands up and soon, we get inside his car and he begins driving.

"so where are we going?" i asked. "we'll be going to a ramen shop to eat first. then the rest will be. secret." he says with a cheeky smile.

i didn't really mind that a camera crew was following us. i was just more focused on having some time to spend with my brother.

i took my phone out and texted my dad.

// Dad //
Me : jongin oppa & i are going out with a camera crew following us. take care at work dad !! love you :)

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