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"appa!" i called as i saw him coming out of the gates, with his luggage. "yeona!" he says, opening his arms wide. i run towards him and immediately get enveloped in his arms.

"i've missed you." i whispered, pulling away to see someone behind my dad. my eyes widened as i saw my brother, bringing him into a hug as well. he places a small kiss on top of my head, shaking me slightly as he hugged me.

my brother is around jaebum and jackson's age. but he always acted like there was a huge age difference between us, as if i was a little kid that is.

i hadn't seen him in forever. seven years, to be exact. his name is jongin.

kim jongin

yes, i did mention that he was working in america, but when he got recruited, he quit and joined the kpop group, exo, prioritising that over other jobs.

but of course, they were given some time to visit their family. and he chose my dad.

i don't blame him, i'd visit my dad too, if i were given that break.

why we have not seen each other in korea however, that i cannot answer. because i didn't have an answer.

but i knew that i was completely fine with it because i understood why.

"woah. when dad said you were in a band, i thought it'd be a girl group." jongin said, making me laugh as we walked towards them.

when we reached them, mark seemed unhappy. though i didn't really know why.

i'll just ask him about it later.

"everybody, meet my dad and my brother, jongin." i said, mark's expression falls and his cheeks redden before he proceeds to greet them.

they all did their own greetings to jongin, they seemed already accustomed to him.

then they formally greeted my dad, which made me want to laugh.

"ah. and you're mark." dad says, giving mark a handshake. mark nods, smiling sincerely. "i'll have a talk with you later, my boy." he says in english, which mark responds to with a nod.

soon, we are asked to go back to the van by the security as a crowd of fans began forming.


my dad and brother took a cab. jongin's company allowed for him to stay with my dad for the time being in the house while my dad was here.

which was really nice of them.

i wanted to ask jyp pd-nim but i knew that the answer wouldn't be too pleasant seeing as that i had a week left till i'd be revealed.

"oppa, why did you seem to be so upset earlier on, at the gates?" i asked mark, looking at him as he closed the car door.

the boys end up laughing. then they told me, exactly what happened.


mark's pov

i watched as yeona ran up to her father with a wide smile on her face that easily warmed my heart. then i see her pull away, only to hug another guy.

he seemed to be so familiar.

"woah. isn't that jongin sunbaenim?" jackson asks with a chuckle. he plants a kiss on her head, shaking her slightly as they embraced, making her giggle.

they know each other?

"they seem extremely close." i said, in an emotionless tone. "wait, hyung you know-" "shhh." jaebum interrupts yugyeom.

i huffed, watching as they approached us. "everybody, meet my dad and my brother, jongin."


no wonder. she did mention having a brother. and come to think of it, they do have the same family name, kim.

geez, mark.


"you should've seen how disappointed he looked!" bambam said teasingly, making me laugh. "hyung was jealous!" yugyeom says, coming to a conclusion.

mark's ears redden showing me that he was embarrassed. "why would you be jealous of my brother?" i asked, covering my mouth as i tried my best not to laugh.

"because hyung likes you!" youngjae says, earning a glare from mark and making the members, coo.

"tell me again why i reveal my secrets to all of you?" mark asks, rolling his eyes.

my breath hitches as he says this.

"w-wait. what? you like me?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "i mean.. isn't that obvious enough already?" mark asks, looking out the window as he avoids eye contact with me.

"meona!" jinyoung says, making everybody join in.

i smile slightly, looking out the window as well.

it's okay mark, i feel the same.

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