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the screams from the fans frightened me. i had my earpiece on, and my music playing but i could still hear them.

i politely waved to the fans, not wanting for them to think that i'm arrogant.

we just touched down in america. everything seemed so new to me. i was so unfamiliar with everything.

i could feel myself getting a little sadder.

"oppa.. could you help me get my luggage? i-i just want to-" "don't worry about it, yeona. go ahead." mark says, cutting me off as he pats my back gently.

a security guard accompanied me to the van, which i got into while he waited outside for the others.

i sat down in the back, taking my phone out as i decide to call my dad.

"appa.." i answered weakly as he picked up. "yeona.. what's wrong darling?" he asks as concern filled his voice. "i-i can't remember anything about america, dad. nothing at all.." i answered as tears streamed down my face.

"yeona.. you were young when we left." dad says, trying to provide me with some reasons. "i know.. but america's supposed to be my birthplace.. but i don't know a thing about this country. i'm so-" "yeona. you're letting your thoughts get to you again." he says, cutting me off.

"i'm just afraid." i said with a sigh. "i know you are. dad has to go, okay? take care darling." he says in a fatherly warm tone.


"yeona." mark says, snapping me out of my thoughts as i eyed the crowd that slowly entered the theatre. my hands were sweaty and i could feel my heart racing.

"o-oppa. i'm nervous. i'm scared." i said, not wanting to meet his gaze as i saw the fans constantly check their phones and the stage to see if the concert was starting.

"i know you are, yeona. you have to trust yourself." mark says, bringing me into a hug. my eyes widened for a moment before i wrapped my arms around him as well.

i was still a little upset from the call earlier with my dad. i wanted so much to know about this country.

i could feel the boys' excitement as we ate at restaurants and as we dropped off our bags at the guest home at mark's place.

they seemed so familiar with everything, way more than i should be.

and i also wanted for my brother to be here. my dad as well. but i understood that they had their own commitments.

i teared up slightly, only for mark to wipe it away. "you'll be fine, i'm positive." he says, placing a small kiss on my forehead.

i could feel my eyes shut as he leaves his lip to linger, as he stroked my hair gently.

someone clears their throat, making us both turn around to see the other members standing there.

"i knew it! my assumptions were correct. i'm a genius." jackson says excitedly. yugyeom takes a picture of both of us, standing closely together, failing to turn off the flash.

my eyes widened as the fans screamed at the sight of a light other than the spotlights.

"that's our cue." jaebum says with a smile as he walks out unto stage first, the rest of us following after him.

"come and get it,"
"got7! annyeonghaseyo, got7-inmida!"

they all slowly introduced themselves, then my turn finally came.

"annyeonghaseyo, i'm got7's maknae, kim yeona. hello everybody, i'm kim yeona." i introduced in both korean and english, making the crowd cheer.

"america, how are ya'll feeling tonight?" jackson shouts, hyping the crowd successfully. i smile, walking over to a young girl, standing at the front of the barricades.

the other boys roamed as well, interacting with the fans.

"how old are you?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows with a gentle smile. "i'm thirteen." she stated proudly, reaching up to intertwine her fingers with mine, which i did. "unnie, i made this for you." she says, handing me a flower crown.

"woah.. this is beautiful." i said with a smile. "my sister and i are separated, she's at the other side of the platform. but she brought a singular, thornless rose." she explained to me.

"the teachers at school told the class that whoever you give flowers to, should be someone who inspires you or someone you want to confess to. you inspire me unnie." she says with a smile. i teared up a little at her innocence.

"stay healthy and safe. thank you so much." i said, bowing as i stood up. she smiles and waves.

i put on the flower crown, securing it so it wouldn't fall off.

i wiped the tears that fell from my eyes, getting a few reactions from the crowd. i started walking up to yugyeom and bambam who were fooling around.

"yeona!" mark calls, using his mic. i turn around to see him running up to me with a smile. he hands me a rose.

my eyes widened and i furrowed my eyebrows. i take it from his hands, bowing as i thanked him. before i remembered.

"whoever you give flowers to, should be someone who inspires you or someone you want to confess to."

"this is my confession." he says without the mic. i smiled, letting out a chuckle as my cheeks grew a bright red.

 i smiled, letting out a chuckle as my cheeks grew a bright red

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