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"so how was your first photoshoot?" bambam asks, giving me a smile. "it was fun." i said as i eyed the set in adoration.

"are you hungry?" jaebum asks. i nod, looking back to all of them. they all coincidentally looked amused. i furrow my eyebrows. "you look like a kid in a candy store. come on, let's go." mark says, letting out a chuckle before shaking his head.

the others walk ahead, leaving mark and i behind. i eyed the set one last time before i got a little upset.

"what's wrong?" he asks, as he urges for me to walk with him. "w-what if i'm not good enough for all this? i don't know anything about performing. i sang one song, oppa. w-what if-" "yeona." mark starts, cutting me off from my panicking.

"i'm not going to promise you that it'll be easy. because being an idol is tough and there's no doubt to that. but i've seen you sing. i've seen what you can do, yeona. you'll do fine." he says, giving me a smile as he squats down to my eye level.

i sniffle, still looking at him with watery eyes. he chuckles and brings me into his arms, patting my back gently.

we slowly walked to the van, joining the others. "let's go get some food."


"shhh.. you might wake her." "but we're here already." "hyung, should we wake her?" "she's probably already awake because of all of you." "sorry yeona."

"it's fine." i muttered, slowly opening my eyes to see yugyeom, youngjae, jackson and mark in the van.

"the rest went in to get seats and order food, let's go join them." jackson says. i nod. i hop out of the van, trying to regain my balance before i began walking into the restaurant with yugyeom.

jackson and mark walked behind us.

"yeona, are you younger than me?" yugyeom asks. i nod, giving him a smile. "woah. i'm finally not the maknae." he says with a wide smile. "only by a month though." i told him.

"you can be best friends with bambam and i." he says excitedly. "that sounds nice." i said, giving him a chuckle.

soon, we were brought to a separate room in the restaurant where the other boys were. "bam! yeona's a month younger than me." yugyeom says as he sits down next to his best friend.

"woah really?" bambam asks. i nod.

i sat down next to jaebum, being in the middle of jinyoung and jaebum.

there was some onions and mushrooms on the grill, but that was pretty much it. luckily, some meat was brought in as well.

"may i take your orders?" the waiter asks, seeing as that there were some additional people now.

"can we have more servings of pork belly, two ramen sets and two lunchboxes." mark says as he reads from the menu. the waiter nods, writing down the order.

"drinks?" he asked all of us.

"hyung! i want sprite." "me too!" "cola for bambam and i please." "i want a sprite too." "another cola please." "me too."

the boys talked simply like that, making me laugh. "yeona? how about you?" jaebum asks, looking towards me.

"do you have iced milk tea?" i asked. the waiter nods. "i'll have that, please." i said politely. he smiles, writing the orders down. "alright, i'll be back with your food and drinks."

"woah, did you see that? you made the waiter smile." youngjae says with a chuckle. "because i wasn't yelling my order out." i said, shaking my head with a smile.

"she's so cute. omo." jinyoung says, reaching over to squeeze my cheeks. i whine, glaring at him. the others laugh.

"watch out, mark hyung might get jealous." bambam says with a smirk. then all eyes were on mark. "why would i be jealous?" mark asks, as he eats the side dishes.

"because you guys have that korean drama vibe." jackson says. "aigoo.." i said, shaking my head. "why? don't you want to be in a kdrama with me? i'm a pretty good actor." mark says jokingly.

"kaja." i mimicked, grabbing jaebum's hand. the rest began to laugh while mark's ears reddened in embarrassment as he laughs as well.

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