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"yeona, you awake?" i hear a familiar voice ask from outside my room, knocking on the door gently

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"yeona, you awake?" i hear a familiar voice ask from outside my room, knocking on the door gently. "yeah." i answered, switching on the lights.

the door opens to reveal mark in a baseball long sleeved shirt and a snapback on his head. "let's go for some ramen." he says, giving me a lazy grin.

did he mean just the two of us?

"how about the others?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "they're waiting in the van." he says, letting out a yawn. "ah. okay." i said, slightly disappointed.

i put on slip on shoes and grabbed my phone, following behind mark as we walk towards the car.

"let's go." jaebum announces as he begins driving. "let's go to the one near the pier. it's really breezy there at night." jinyoung says. "i'm way ahead of you." jaebum says with a chuckle.

i was thankful that i was wearing a thick hoodie and sweatpants. i chose the right day to dress warm.

i tied my hair up into a bun, not wanting for it to get in the way later on.

"oppa." i whispered, tapping on mark's shoulder. he nods, tilting his head downwards so i could whisper what i wanted to say.

"why the sudden want to go for late night ramen? don't we have anything scheduled for tomorrow?" i asked. "we do this all the  time. and no, we don't have anything tomorrow." he says with a smile.

"i might fall asleep in the car on the way back." i said. he chuckles. "it's okay, i can be your pillow."

my cheeks reddened and i nodded, unsure of how to respond. he smiles, ruffling my hair before he goes back to his phone.

soon, we arrive at the pier. we all slowly got out of the van and went inside the convenience store. i went to the ramen aisle and chose a simple spicy ramen. i decided to add cheese into it and a soft boiled egg as well.

the others began cooking theirs as they rested their chopsticks on the lid, like i did with mine.

after we paid for the ramen, we out on the pier to eat, using the set up tables and chairs.

"yeona. you never really told us your story. i'm sure you know us, pretty well." jaebum says with a chuckle. my cheeks redden as i nod.

"where should i start?" i said with a chuckle, as i mixed all the ingredients in my ramen.

it's pretty simple actually. i grew up in korea, spending only three years in america before i moved here. which is why i don't really remember much about america.

my father's filipino but he was born in america while my mom's korean. which is why i'm actually a mixture of a ton of things.

i have a brother who lives in america and working. dad stays over at his place whenever he goes to america for work.

when mom got ill, dad moved back to korea for a long time, together with my brother who stopped work temporarily.

after mom passed, it took awhile until we accepted it. yes, we were sad. in fact, we were miserable.

but we knew that she wouldn't want to see us this way. we continued on with our regular lives.

however, it was slightly different for my brother. he was recruited at a mall and now, he's in a popular kpop group.

and now, here i am. in a band with seven boys that i idolised.

i may be living the ahgase dream.

it took me awhile to tell my story because they asked plenty of questions, which of course, i answered.

at the end, i couldn't help but tell them how grateful i was towards them.

"aw.." jackson cooed, placing both hands above his chest. "so let's work hard, looking unto the future." jinyoung says, giving us all a smile.

"yes mother." they said in unison, making me laugh. "eomma." i said questionably, looking over to jinyoung. "it's way cuter when she does it." he says with a sigh.

"i'm cute too." bambam says as he puffs out his cheeks. i laugh as they all suddenly start calling themselves cute, followed by baby noises and weird faces.

i look over to mark as he chuckles, innocently slurping his noodles. "hey. it's noisy." he complains jokingly before he joins them, fooling around as well.

i smile, looking down to my food as i begin to eat as well.

every time i lifted my head, my gaze automatically went to mark. and at one point of time, our eyes met.

his playful expression melts into a sincere smile. i nod, returning the smile shyly before i carried on eating.

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