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after the show was done, we thanked doni and coni for letting us be on the show. "it's really no problem." they would say, giving us a smile.

"aigoo.. look at got7's princess. it's going to be tough once the episode airs. just power through. keep in mind that you're doing what you love." coni says, giving me some advice.

"and if it gets terrible, come look for the two of us, boys." doni says, looking over to the rest. "we'll all go hunt down whoever's hurting you." doni says, giving me a sincere smile.

"thank you oppas." i said, bowing as i returned the smile.

and with that, we left the basement of the building and went towards the carpark.

while we waited for the van, my eyes were latched on a black piano that was against a white wall.

youngjae sits down and asks for me to sit down beside him. he begins to play taeyang's song, eyes nose lips.

i shut my eyes, swaying along before i began singing. after the first chorus, jinyoung joined in, placing a hand on my head, ruffling my hair.

then, all the vocals began to join in, harmonising perfectly. i lowered down my volume, watching them closely in adoration.

eventually, i stopped singing, only to be caught after awhile.

"why'd you stop singing?" mark asks. "t-they sounded like angels." i admitted, my cheeks reddening as they laughed.

"not so bad yourself, yeona." bambam says, acting as if he was being complimented. i chuckled, shaking my head.

"the van's here." jaebum says as he takes his phone out from his pocket, looking at a message sent from the driver.

i stood up, only to trip over the elongated leg of the piano. thankfully, my fall was stopped as mark holds me up by my arms. he helps bring me up to my feet.

"thank you oppa." i said, looking back up to him. "no problem, yeona. let's go." he says, not keeping the eye contact for long.


we all sat in the living room comfortably as we counted down to when the episode would be aired.

i was excited, but mostly afraid. i hated feeling a mixture of things honestly.

from hours, it went down to minutes. and from minutes, it became seconds.

3. 2. 1.

and the episode was aired.

the entire ahgase family, clicking on the video as they watched. we did as well, from jaebum's laptop.

i smiled as i entered the frame, with their applause. as the saying goes, i was a rose among the thorns, standing out like a sore thumb.

all our outfits somehow blended very nicely together, and it was well-matched.

my phone began going off as the episode came to an end.

dad : woah. i'm so proud of you, yeona. i know your brother is too! he has his band over at the house at the moment. your mother would've been so happy to see you like this. i love you.

i smiled a sad smile as he mentioned mom, knowing it broke his heart to even think of her. but i understood where he was coming from.

me : thank you appa. i love you too. don't worry, i'll work hard and make all of you proud of me.

i looked up and put my phone down. "group picture!" bambam suggests as he props his phone up against the coffee table that was shifted forward.

some of us layed on the couch, some of us sitting down on the floor as the camera timer went off.

i smiled widely as i looked at the camera.

"we're a family here as well, yeona." jinyoung says, giving me a smile. i nod, getting a little watery eyed.

"aww.." they cooed. mark chuckles, bringing me into his arms first which made the others want to join in on the hug as well.

they all started blabbering while i was squished in the hug. but all i could focus on was mark's steady heartbeat as my arms were wrapped around, like how his were wrapped around me. he hummed, softly but loud enough for only me to hear, as if he was soothing me.

i sniffled, smiling as i shut my eyes.

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