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"everyone, before we end off today's concert, we have one surprise!" mark says, into his mic. "what is it?" the fans responded, awaiting whatever it was.

"out of the eight of us, only seven are aware. because our surprise is for our flower, yeona." jaebum says, shooting me a smile.

i furrow my eyebrows as i eyed the rest while jackson wraps an arm around me.

"special guests, come on out please!" bambam says. i turn to both of the possible entrances on stage frantically.

my eyes widened as i saw my dad and jongin, i began tearing up.

i run to hug my dad, while jongin envelopes me in a hug as well.

"see a familiar face anyone?" yugyeom says. i chuckle as jongin wipes my tears before flicking my forehead.

"annyeonghaseyo ahgases, i'm exo's kai, kim jongin-inmida." he says, introducing himself.

"we'll see you later." dad tells me, leaving a kiss on my forehead before him and jongin leave the stage.

"here's our last song, the confession song."

the boys and i sang our hearts out, deciding to perform without the choreography. because the last time they performed it live, it was a little weird because their dance moves didn't really match the song and the feelings portrayed in the song.

the boys and i lined the perimeter of the stage, singing with our mics in hand as we looked at the crowd.

"america, sing it with us." i said into my mic, pointing my mic towards the crowd, making the boys do the same.

"i...love you. baby i, i love you." they sang, without the track playing as all of us began to walk towards the centre.

and again, without the track, all of us sang, taking a different note each.

"i...love you. baby i, i love you." we sang, looking forward before our heads slowly dropped, the lights turning off for a temporary black out.

we rushed off the stage before the stage was lit up and a group picture of the eight of us on a banner is lowered.


"i can't believe you guys are here!" i cheered as i entered the dressing room to see my dad and jongin, lounging.

"i can't miss my little girl's first concert, now can i?" dad says with a smile. "why didn't you guys tell me anything?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"mark hyung asked for it to be a surprise and it was pretty last minute anyway. he called us when you guys touched down." jongin explains.

ahh.. so this was the doing of mark.

"you guys will be having two days of concerts here.. then the rest of the week will be free, correct?" dad asks. i nod and as if cued, the boys walk in as well.

"let's go for dinner. i'll bring all of you to the first restaurant i brought your mother." dad says proudly, though there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

jongin and i eyed him, with concern though happiness never escaped his expressions.

"could i invite the two of you over for a meal as well? i think it's only right for me to do so. i'm sure mom and dad would love to have the both of you over." mark says politely.

"we'd love to." jongin answers, with a smile. "hyung, i have an idea!" jinyoung says. then all eyes were on him.

"what if we had the two families meet?" bambam says, butting in. "aish, really." jinyoung says, glaring at the boy from thailand.

"woah. that's a great idea actually." youngjae says. "if your parents don't mind, then sure. why not?" dad says with a smile.

"i feel like the other seven of us, including jongin hyung, are like the brothers in the family. then mark and yeona are dating and their families are meeting." yugyeom says with a chuckle, making everyone laugh except for mark and i who awkwardly stared at each other momentarily.

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