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i sat on the couch with my laptop, as i decided to make new social media accounts, deleting my old ones. i didn't really post anything on them anyway.

i decided to make my username for twitter and instagram to be 'k.yeona' it was simple and wasn't that difficult to remember.

i followed all the boys on the two social media platforms, together with some other groups that i idolised.

groups like super junior, nct and seventeen. i also followed people like minzy, cl, sandara and hani sunbaenim.

[a/n : these are based on my own personal idols hehe ]

"oh! yeona, did you make an instagram and a twitter account?" jinyoung asks as he walks to the living room from the kitchen. "yeah. i figured, why not just start afresh?" i said, giving him a smile.

"though my past accounts weren't that active either." i said with a shrug. he chuckles. "don't worry. it's good that you've already created an account. the company would've asked you to create one anyway." he explains.

soon, the boys join us in the living room.

and just in time, my father requests to skype with me.

"hi dad!" i greeted, smiling brightly as i saw him appear on screen. "hello sweetie. oh! are you at your dorm now? who are those people?" he asks.

"they are my band members, dad." i said. bringing their attention to the fact that i was on call with my dad. "annyeonghaseyo, mr kim!" they greeted.

i chuckled as he examines each of them closely. "hello.. i trust that all of you will take care of my yeona?" he asks with a stern expression. "don't worry mr kim, we'll do our absolute best." mark answers.

"i like you, boy. what's your name?" dad asks. i groan, knowing where this was going. "my name's mark, sir." he says, bowing slightly. "hmm.. alright. you're very familiar. i think i can remember my daughter babbling on and on-" "appa!" i complained, stopping him from exposing me any further.

the boys laugh, especially mark who had a smirk on his face.

"anyway, i called with a purpose. other than to embarrass you of course." he stated proudly. i hum for him to continue.

"i'll be visiting korea in a week or so." he says. "really? that's great!" i said with a smile. "yes. and i intend to meet those boys." he says as he eyes the paperwork in his hands. "yes of course, dad. you'll have to, eventually." i said with a shrug.

"alright, i need to go. i love you." he says, as he gives me a smile. i nod. "i love you too, dad." i said, waving.

and with that, the call is ended.

"please forget everything he said." i said with a sigh as i turned off my laptop. "oh but i wish to know what you've told your dad about me." mark teases while the rest of the boys went on to watch tv.

"it's just fangirl stuff. i knew you as an idol, at that time." i said, scratching the back of my neck. "that makes it so much more juicier." he says with a chuckle. "aish, oppa!" i whined, making him laugh. "alright. alright. i'll stop." he says with a wink before his eyes go to the tv.

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