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i arrived at jyp's office, knocking on the door gently. "come in." he says from the inside. i open the door and bow, greeting him. "oh! yeona, i wasn't expecting you. nevermind, come sit." he says, giving me a wide smile.

"pd-nim. i'll be eternally grateful.. of this opportunity that you've given me and it has been the greatest thing that has happened to my life." i began, making him smile and nod. "but i have one request and i'd like for you to hear me out." i said, as i furrowed my eyebrows. he nods.

"i'd like to leave the band. it's not because the boys and i fought. i love them very much, they mean a lot to me. but.. i think it's best if i move back to america.. to take care of what is left of my mother." i explained, trying my best not to cry. as i had requested, he listens.

"when we went to america, i noticed that i knew nothing of the country i was born in.
nothing at all. in fact, the members probably know more of it than i do." i said with a pathetic chuckle.

"my mother's house, is the only memory i'll ever have left of her.. so if i could have your permission, i'd like to leave the company and go back to america."

he sighs and nods.

"i understand, yeona. i'd feel the same if i were in your position. which is why, i'm granting your wish. i'll let you leave the company. just know, that you'll always have a spot here in jyp entertainment." he says with a smile. i nod, thanking him.


i opened the gates and door of the dorm,
stepping in and removing my shoes. as i stepped into the living room, their boyish banter stopped.

youngjae looks towards me, with a saddened expression.

"pd-nim told us." jackson says coldly, though i could see the tears in all their eyes. "we were angry.. but mark hyung explained everything to us." bambam says.

my eyes began to water as i see them stand up, walk over and hug me.

"we'll all miss you, so much." jinyoung mutters as he wipes his tears. i chuckle as i watched all of them try to hide the fact that they were crying.

"you have all our numbers. so please, promise that you'll stay in touch with all of us." jaebum pleaded, holding unto my arm. i nodded, giving him a sad smile.

"i promise. i don't ever want to leave you guys. promise me you'll visit, okay?" i asked. they nod immediately.

"where's mark?" i asked, looking around as i sniffled. "in your room." jackson says. "go to him, he's practically broken as well." youngjae says with a sigh. yugyeom gives me one last hug before letting me go.

i began walking towards my room, opening the door to reveal mark, sitting on my bed as he hugged my pillow, with his eyes shut as tears ran down his cheeks.

"mark.." i said, my voice cracking almost immediately. "yeona." he says, lifting his head up immediately. i sat down beside him, giving him a hug.

"i'm not going to be gone forever, mark. you guys will visit and i'll visit too." i insisted. "it won't be the same." he says with a sigh.

"mark.. we both know.. that.." i said, unable to complete my sentence. "that whatever it is between us, has to come to an end." he completes. i nod.

he presses our foreheads together, as he shuts his eyes. "you'll always have somewhere to return to." he whispered.

"i'll wait for you.. however long it takes."

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