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"darling, why don't you go ahead and ask your parents to come over tonight? we'll have food specially for them." mark's mom says, giving me a smile.

"right, i'll call them then. excuse me." i said, standing up as they nodded.

i walked to the living room as i called dad. after two rings, he picks up.

"good morning sweetie. what's up?" he asks. "mrs tuan's inviting you and jongin oppa for dinner tonight." i told him after greeting him. "ah.. is that so? alright. text me what time to be there. oh, remember to tell them about your allergy to shrimp. just in case." he reminds me.

"alright, bye dad. i'll see you later."

i made my way back to the dining room and saw that two women with their hair tied up very neatly, with black minimal dresses on, were cleaning up the dishes.

"mrs tuan, i'm extremely allergic to shrimp.. could i-" "don't worry dear, the boys have informed us of your allergy." she says, giving me a chuckle as the boys hid their faces.

"we had to find out, on the first day you came, we cooked for you." mark reminds me. "ahh.. that makes sense." i said, smiling a little.

i felt touched that they took the effort to do that. but i grew nervous as i noticed that my family was coming over.

"what time should they be here?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows as i looked at mark's parents. "hmm.. the food should be ready by eight. so let's just say that dinner is at eight." mr tuan says.

"tomorrow's the second and last concert in america, for now." jackson says as he looks at his clothes that were hung up, on hangers.

"i don't see why i'm here." i said with a sigh, tilting my head as i leaned against the untouched bed.

"because bambam's still deciding on his clothes for tomorrow. you're the next best thing!" he states with a grin.

jinyoung and mark step into the room, sighing as they see jackson standing in front of his closet.

"watch him turn down each and everyone of your suggestions." mark says with a sigh as he lays down on the bed. jinyoung stands with his arms crossed, shaking his head.

"i want to look my best for my fans, is that a bad thing?" jackson defended, acting like he was offended.

"no, but it should be a crime to capture one of our youngest and force her to pick your clothes." jinyoung says, looking at me pitifully.

"i agree." i said, raising my hand. "i'm signing this petition." mark says, his words being muffled by a pillow as he laid down, face flat.

"i'm just borrowing her!" jackson whines, making me laugh. "alright. alright. get on with it. hurry up. i need to pick my outfit too." i said, gesturing for him to begin.

and immediately, he brings out four different outfits.

"oppa, if you choose those two sleeveless shirts, you'll end up covering your pits during the choreography." i stated, pointing to the shirts.

"i've fixed that problem!" he states with a smile, proceeding to remove his shirt, only for someone's hands to cover my eyes.

"yah!" mark scolds, making jackson laugh. "aigoo.. hyung, it's not like she'll fall in love with all this sexiness." jinyoung says sarcastically, making jackson complain.

"let's keep her innocent please." mark pleads. i assumed that jackson put his shirt back on as mark uncovered my eyes.

"anyway, jackson has bare pits now." jinyoung says. "ahh.. then go with that then."

after awhile, i was freed. i went back into my room and picked out a simple outfit. i went with a black button up skirt and a pastel pink shirt.

i didn't really have that much of a choice, seeing as that the given colour selection was very minimal.

then my phone rings.

"hey oppa." i answered, turning my phone on speaker mode. "yeona, would you like for the boys to come for your concert tomorrow?" jongin asks.

"wait.. do you mean the other exo members?" i asked, getting a little excited. "yeah." he replies calmly. "i'll ask the others, hold on!" i said, peeking my head out into the hallway.

"guys! would all of you like for the exo sunbaenims to come for the concert?" i asked, raising my voice so they all could hear me.

"is that even a question?"

"yes please." i answered into the phone. "alright. i'll make the call. see you later." he says. "bye oppa! thank you!"

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