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"all of you are probably wondering why i've called for a meeting with you today." pd-nim says, giving us a genuine smile.

"with all due respect, is it about what happened on twitter?" jaebum says, taking responsibility. mark pulls him back by the arm.

"no and there isn't anything wrong with what you've done. in fact, thank you for that mark. you've shown how united you are as a group." pd-nim says.

mark nods, bowing as a thank you.

"due to popular demand, all of you are going to have three shows in america."

my eyes widened. "they will be in mark's hometown," earning cheers from the boys who fall back into silence, while i merely smiled.

"unfortunately, we won't be having any meet and greets because we have yet to supply original fan merch to stores." he explains, making us nod as we understood.

the discussion was pretty as information, packed as i thought it would be.


"alright, we'll start to pack today so we'll be ready by thursday." jaebum replies to manager-nim who he was on the phone with.

i exchanged glances with the boys who showed panic in their eyes. i furrow my eyebrows, unsure of what was happening.

"you know what to do boys." jaebum says with a sigh. "why do all of you seem so lethargic?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"you see, every time we go overseas, we have to tidy up the dorm." mark explains as he gets up from the couch. "it's clean though?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"that's because we've hidden the crime scene." jinyoung says, over exaggerating.

"in simpler terms, our rooms." jackson says with a nervous chuckle. "i'll go out to buy supplies, if you'd like." i said, offering a small smile.

then all eyes were on mark. "what?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "mark hyung will accompany you." bambam says, giving me a smile.

"ah.. okay." i said with a shrug as i left to grab my sling bag that contained my phone and wallet.

and with that, we left the dorm. it was a little too quiet for my liking. i could tell that i was a little unsure of what to say while he was keeping quiet, for my sake.

"are we always going to be this quiet?" i asked, keeping my gaze forward as i avoided his eyes. "you're being quiet too." he fought stubbornly.

"and so are you." i answered.

he lets out a chuckle as if he found something to be unbelievable. "what?" i asked as the only thing i could hear was our footsteps.

"are you mad?" he asks. i huffed. "i'm
not mad. i'm frustrated." i said, crossing my arms. "mind explaining?"

"because you say that you like me. then you go and kiss me. and you just ignore me for the whole day. not even sparing me a glance." i said, rolling my eyes as i shook my head.

"yeona, aren't i looking at you right now? you're just avoiding eye contact, aren't you?" he asks with a chuckle.

"shut up." i said, as i quickly began to walk faster. "yah. yah. you're supposed to be sticking with me." he says, grabbing my arm as he paces himself, slowing me down.

we enter the store and he takes a cart out. "so what is it that we have to buy?" he asks. i smile, eyeing the aisle of cleaning products.

i grabbed bottles of detergent, laundry powder, bleach, floor wipes, disinfectant, window spray and lavender scented sachets.

"woah.. you seem to have done this before." mark comments as he eyes the cart full of products. i nod. "what can i say? i'm a little bit of a clean freak."

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