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"america! unfortunately, this is our second and last night performing for all of you." i said into the mic, getting 'boos' from the crowd.

i frowned, nodding.

"i know. i know. goodbyes are never great. but how bout we make the most of tonight, let's go full out. are all of ya'll down?" i asked, getting screams from the fans.

"alright! this is the first song for the night, never ever!"

we were all separated on stage, dancing along to the chorus only as we jammed with the crowd.

unfortunately, after awhile, it began raining. i panicked, knowing i was wearing a white shirt. that is, before a black flannel is put on me. i look behind me to see a familiar face.

"button it up." mark whispers, sending chills down my back. i nod, putting it on and buttoning the top four buttons, that were enough to cover till my belly button.

it looked oversized on me, but i guess that was fine.

the crowd squealed as mark did this for me, making me blush.

"let's go up! up! uri dulmanui love!" yugyeom and bambam said into their mics together, making a greater impact.

well, yugbam was certainly one of the greatest ships. i laughed as bambam continuously did his 'bbbrraaah' part, even after the song was over.

"i'm sorry it's raining. i hope all of you have some sort of shelter, please don't get sick." i said into the mic, frowning as i saw some of them using jackets to shield themselves.

"try to dry up as soon as possible. and if you can't handle it anymore, we'll understand if you end up leaving half way through the concert. all you have to stay healthy." jackson says, nodding as he adds on.

"jb! mark! jackson! park jinyoung! choi youngjae! bambam! kim yugyeom! kim yeona! got7!" the crowd cheered enthusiastically.

the boys and i exchanges smiles and glances as we proudly looked at the crowd. and of course, we all teared up.

seeing the fans so dedicated.

during our last song, jinyoung pulls out the bandana that held my hair up into its ponytail, letting my hair fall unto my shoulders as he throws it into the crowd. the fans immediately fight for it.

"oppa!" i complained, hitting him lightly. "sorry. oppa will buy you a new one." he says with a cheeky grin.


as we got off the stage and under some shelter, we were handed towels.

"yeona!" i heard a familiar voice call. i turned my head to see jongin and the other exo members.

my eyes widened, as i covered my mouth.

"y-you're all.. t-this.. oh. my. gosh." i said with widened eyes as i got closer to them with the boys greeting them casually, as they would.

"she's a big fan." jongin says as he chuckles, crossing his arms. "w-wait. kris? luhan? tao?" i questioned, my eyes widening.

"hey, when a brother's sister wants exo here, she gets exo." kris says, giving me a smile. "t-thank you. this is great." i said, covering my mouth.

"you're one to say. you guys were awesome out there!" kyungsoo says, giving us a smile. "our sehunnie became a big yeona fan once you starting speaking." chanyeol says, nudging the maknae of their group.

i smiled, thanking him with a bow as my cheeks reddened.

"hyung. stop embarrassing me." sehun mutters through gritted teeth as he smiles.

we all started talking, after the boys and i changed into dry clothes. but after awhile, i began to notice mark's absence.

"i'll go find mark oppa." i whispered to jaebum, who nods.

i stood up and began walking around. then i found him, sitting down on a chair in one of the dressing rooms, on his phone. "oppa." i called, making him look up.

"aish. you scared me." he says, shaking his head. "what are you doing here? shouldn't you be with the others?" he asks. i shrugged, sitting down next to him.

"it's not as fun without you there." i said, leaning back as i stared at the ceiling. "you seemed so engrossed with them. you've gotten close to sehun haven't you?" he asks.

i furrowed my eyebrows, shifting myself to look at him.

"oppa, are you jealous?" i asked, raising my eyebrows. "w-what? me? no..." he says with a chuckle.

"you are! that's why you left. that's why you're here!" i stated excitedly as i sat up. he sighs, rolling his eyes. "yeah. yeah. whatever. so what if i am?" he asks, going back to his phone.

i smiled, pinching his cheeks.

"aigoo.. so cute!" i squealed, making him groan. he grabs me by my wrists stopping me as he places a gentle peck on my lips. "you.. shouldn't be so close to other guys." he says, stroking my the side of my hands gently.

i softened my grip on him, nodding.

"you're my girlfriend. i have the right to be jealous." he says, bringing me into a hug.

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