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after the meal, the boys and i stayed in the living room as we watched the tv. throughout dinner though, i could feel mark's eyes on me. but i can't say that i wasn't looking at him as well.

while we were watching, he sort of disappeared. i don't know where though.

i was trapped in between jackson and youngjae who were engrossed with the show. it was amusing.

my brother was gone as well, though i didn't really know where he went.


mark's pov

"hyung, can my dad and i talk to you for a bit?" jongin asks me. i nod. "sure." i said, as i stood up from the couch, following behind him.

he led me to the family's backyard where mr kim was, drinking a cup of coffee.

"ah. mark, come sit." mr kim says. i nod, sitting down on one of the beach chairs, as jongin sits down beiside him.

"i'll try keeping this short, because i'm sure we both know how curious yeona can get." mr kim says, letting out a chuckle. i smile politely, nodding.

"do you like my daughter, mark?" he says, furrowing his eyebrows. in his eyes, you could see overprotectiveness and concern for his daughter.

"very much, sir." i answered, trying to keep my composure. he nods. "i can tell that she likes you too."

i smile, at the mere thought of that.

"i give you permission." mr kim says. "and so do i, hyung." jongin says, giving me a smile.

"permission?" i questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. "i'll let you date my daughter." mr kim says with a smile. "just don't hurt her, mark. i trust that you'll take care of her and treat her with the respect she deserves." he says. i nod.

"i won't do anything to disappoint you, mr kim." i said, determined.


"hyung, you were gone for awhile. where were you?" yugyeom says. "ah, i was just admiring the paintings on the wall." mark says.

"you guys should go, it's late." dad says as i lifted my head to look over to him. "alright." i answered simply, giving my dad a hug and my brother a poke at his side, making me squeal.

"text me when you're home." jongin says, giving me a smile. i nod, waving as we left the house.

"thank you for having us over." i hear the boys each give their greetings.

as we entered the van, they all collapsed in their seats, making me laugh.

"what?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "your dad's a little frightening." jinyoung says with a sigh. "more like, very." bambam says, getting nudged by jaebum.

"it's natural for him to be this way. i would be too if my daughter brought seven guys over, even if they were all just friends." youngjae says. "why?" jackson asks. "because one of them will certainly like her, in some type of way."

i realised how familiar this story seemed.

because it was the exact description of mark and i's current situation. i look over to see mark on his phone, as usual.

"hyung, what are you doing?" jaebum asks. "replying to some of the mean comments." mark says in an almost disappointed tone. "what are they saying?" bambam asks.

"it doesn't matter. what they're doing isn't right. how insensitive." mark says.

i took my phone out of my pocket and saw a string of tweets on my timeline, seeing most of them directed towards me.

the comments were what stung the most.

'you don't deserve this'
'what were those judges thinking?'
'maybe they saw how desperate she was. disgusting.'
'i really hope she gets cut off from the band.'
'she doesn't deserve to be in the same group as our oppas.'
'got7 deserves so much better.'

but mark's reply was what stood out most to me. it was a screenshot of what he had written before, which exceeded the word limit.

'i cannot describe how disappointed i am and how sad this is. the boys and i are more than happy to have yeona with us. she's more than deserving of this opportunity. yes, i understand that you have your opinions. yes, you can be as opinionated as you want to be. so you've said what you've wanted to, now let me say what i want to. got7 is here to be a pillar of strength for our ahgases. and now that we have our yeona, she's like our flower. we'll all do whatever it is, just to protect her. no one deserves this time of treatment from some of you. i'm sure you wouldn't like it to be done to you either. please, be a little more mindful next time. she has feelings too.'

i look up to see him already looking at me. i give him a small smile. "thank you, oppa." i said, making him smile as well. "don't mention it."

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