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"let's go guys." mark says as he holds the door open. i take my sling bag off the couch and stretch slightly before walking out the door and to the van.

"we're going to taste korean barbecue in america." bambam says, making us all laugh. "it's the meaning behind it." jaebum says, almost as if he was telling bambam off. i chuckled, looking out the window.

"we'll be returning to korea tomorrow night, so let's go shopping before we return back to pack for the flight." jinyoung suggests.

"i'm sure that'll be fine. we'll probably buy way more than we need." jackson says with a chuckle. "speak for yourself. i have a budget." mark says with a smirk.

"hyung! what do you have to buy, you already live here." yugyeom says, making all of us laugh. "aish.. i just want something to buy. is that such a crime?" mark mutters, making yugyeom chuckle.

"uh.. mark oppa." i called as my phone vibrates. he hums in response, looking at me through the mirror. i showed him the alternative address that dad sent me.

"ahh.. a change in plans? alright." he says, nodding as he changes the direction he was driving. "sorry." i said, he chuckles. "it's fine." he says with a slight smile.

"heart attack!" jackson cooed, placing a hand over his chest.


while the others lounged in the living room after dinner, i took it upon myself to take a tour of the house, by myself. i kept my phone in my pocket and walked up the stairs, admiring the cream white walls that were lined with photographs.

my eyes began to water as i saw my mother in a photo. she was holding me in her arms. i was just born.

despite how gross it looked, she seemed so happy. a small smile grows across my face as i walked on, passing the multiple other photo frames. then i reach a baby lilac door.

it had my initials on it.


i opened the door, the smell of vanilla flooding my nostrils. the room was untouched. but it was kept clean, and i could see that.

a white crib that was slightly larger than other regular ones, was against the wall, with different types of toys decorating the sides of it.

"your brother thought you were a little boy in your crib. because you still had yet to grow your hair. he was so excited.. telling us how he couldn't wait to play."

i remember that brief sentence mom told me as i brought her porridge on a tray, when she fell sick.

i'm sorry i can't remember any of these moments you'd tell me about, mom. i wish i did. so i'd have some type of memory of when i had time with you.

tears streamed down my cheeks, which i immediately wiped away.

an arm wraps around my shoulders and a head leans against mine. i look over to see jongin, with a small pitiful smile.

"mom would be so proud of you, yeona." he says. i give him a small sad smile, nodding. "i hope she is."

"dad has something to give you." he says, bringing me out of the room with him. dad stood in the hallway, holding a thin notebook. a small smile spreads across his face as he sees the both of us.

"this is a small little journal your mom had when she was pregnant with you and after you were born. though she really only wrote twice." dad says with a nervous chuckle. you could tell that he was afraid of making me cry even more.

i smiled, going over to him and bringing him into a hug. he was a little tense at first but eventually wrapped his arms around me as well.

"thanks dad.. for everything." i whispered. he nods, placing a kiss on top of my head.

"come on, let's go. your friends are waiting." he says. i nod, wiping my tears on my shirt and taking the notebook from him.

"she's back." yugyeom says as he lifts his head from his phone, waving at me enthusiastically.

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