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i woke up to a few thousand notifications, of new people following me. from about 20 followers to 30,000 overnight.

people began tweeting me as well, asking me how everything happened. i tried not to focus on the hate that i was getting, but of course i'm human too.

i get hurt. i get affected.

i plugged in my earphones and began to listen to music as i got up, to go to the washroom.

i brushed my teeth and washed my face, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

and almost instantly, a thousand flaws come to mind. my eyes begin to water and tears fell unto my cheeks.


but of course, me being as stupid as i am, forgot to lock the door which opens.

mark looks at me, his shocked expression falling, only to be replaced with concern.

at this time, it felt like the song i was playing got even louder. he says something that's barely audible as i kept my gaze on him.

he sighs. realising that i couldn't hear him. he walks towards me, pulling me against closer to him as he wraps his arms around me and lifts me up unto the counter, just beside the sink.

he leans against the counter, placing his hands on either side of me as i stared at him blankly. he takes both sides of my earpiece out and puts my phone away from me.

"you've read them.. haven't you?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows. i nod, sniffling as i looked down to my fingers, fiddling with them.

"i'm disappointed that you've even listened to them." he says with a sigh, making me take my bottom lip between my teeth.

"you're way better than this, yeona." he says. at this point, i was confused.

was he scolding me? or was he trying to comfort me? i couldn't tell the difference.

he tilts my chin up so i was looking at him. using his thumbs, he wipes my tears away. "you have no idea how much it hurts to see you like this." he says with a sigh.

i kept quiet, unsure of what to say as i looked back down to my fingers.

he pulls me closer to him as he inched closer, standing in between my legs now. his face was centimetres from me.

i could feel my heart going faster and faster as he leans his forehead against mine before our lips finally met.

i felt my eyes automatically shut and as do his.

it felt like a thousand butterflies were erupting from my stomach, making my heart flutter at the same time.

"i-i'm sorry." he stutters, pulling away.

but he stayed. "i-i couldn't help it. i should've been more-" "o-oppa. it's fine."

he furrows his eyebrows. "do you like me?" he asked with a slight chuckle. "w-what? i-i didn't say.. i'm going back to my room." i said, hopping off the counter as i grabbed my phone and quickly walked to my room, closing the door behind me as i leaned against it.

my eyes widened.

i just lost my first kiss, to mark tuan.

and just in time, my phone rings.

"hello?" i answered. "oh yeona! dad's inviting the boys over for dinner. bring them along okay?" jongin says. "okay.. is dad cooking?" i asked.

"obviously. be here at around seven thirty." he says with a hum. "alright. i'll see the both of you then. bye." i said.

i let out a deep breath, leaving my room and walking towards the living room. "jaebum oppa." i called, bringing all the attention unto me.

"my dad's inviting all of you for dinner, at around seven thirty." i said, as they lowered the volume of the television down. "sounds fun!" yugyeom says with a wide smile. "yeona, why do you look so flustered?" jinyoung asks.

"w-what?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. i glance over to mark, hoping he'd come up with something to help but he smirks crossing his arms, pretending not to listen as he kept his eyes on the tv.

"i was just watching a korean drama in my room." i said, giving them a small smile. "i bet it's strong woman-"

they bought it.

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