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"woah.." i said, shocked at how good the food was. "did all of you cook this?" i asked, looking up. they instantly started laughing, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"don't think too highly of us, we just ordered food and put it on plates." jackson said with a cheeky smile.

"it was youngjae's idea." jinyoung said, ruffling youngjae's hair, making him chuckle. "i just wanted to your first meal here, to not be ramen. is that such a crime?" he says with a playful pout.

"thank you oppa, but you really didn't have to. i don't mind eating ramen." i said, giving him a smile.

"woah. compare her to all of your ex girlfriends." yugyeom said as he covered his mouth that was full of food. "especially one recent one."

i furrowed my eyebrows, which they eventually caught on about. "we keep our private lives well, as the word suggests, private." bambam says with a chuckle.

"if you don't mind me asking, who are you talking about?" i asked, referring back to the topic. "mark hyung." jaebum says.

the quiet boy looks up from his phone, and chuckles.

not the reaction i was expecting.

i thought he'd be upset that they mentioned this in front of me but i guess, just like how i was in high school, i was one of the guys.

i didn't have a problem with that. i just wanted to be seen as a female.

"well, she hated the fact that we were busy. she's often tag along to shoots and signings, but she went separately." jackson explains. "to keep it lowkey." i said, in a questioning tone. "correct." jinyoung says, giving me a smile.

yugyeom gestures for me to continue eating, seeing as that i had put my chopsticks down. i nod, letting out a small chuckle.

"but of course, her getting irritated and angry at everything made the relationship seem like a chore." mark says. i nod, understanding how he must have felt.

"so needless to say, after four months, they broke up." youngjae says.

"do you guys still talk?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. mark nods. "she's currently trying to get hyung back." jaebum explains. "so to summarise the entire story, it'll never happen ever again." bambam says.

"never ever." jaebum adds. i laughed at his attempt of using their song as a pun while the rest gave disapproving looks.

they seemed to be surprised at the fact that i was laughing. "you found that funny?" jackson asked, as he places a hand on his chest, with wide eyes.

i laugh, nodding. "yeona likes my jokes. she's my favourite member." jaebum says proudly. i smile, letting out a chuckle before taking a sip of water.

"well, you can expect for every day to be fun. we hope to make you feel this happy, every day." youngjae says with a wide smile. "thank you all." i said, eyeing each one of them. they smile, nodding.


"hyung, it's your turn to do the dishes." jaebum says. mark frowns, as he sets his eyes on then endless stack of plates in the sink.

"yeona, do you want to help oppa?" mark asks, giving me a look full of hope. he starts making baby noises and whines. "are you sure you're the oldest?" i asked, laughing as i raised an eyebrow.

"very." he says with a wide smile as he goes behind me, pushing me towards the kitchen. i sigh, rolling up the sleeves of my grey long sleeved shirt.

"i'll give you the easy job of placing the plates unto the racks." he says as he gets to scrubbing. "how considerate of you." i said sarcastically, making him laugh.

"so, you've heard of my tragic love story. tell me one of yours, maybe?" he asks with a sigh, trying to keep a conversation going. i chuckled, letting out a sigh as well.

"i've never had one." i said with a shrug. "what?!" he screeched, stopping what he was doing to look at me. i nod, with a chuckle.

"why? you seem perfectly fine. did something happen?" he asked, looking at me in disbelief. my cheeks reddened, as i shook my head.


"uhm.. when i actually wanted a boyfriend, it was when you guys debuted." i explained vaguely, letting him fill in the rest of the information.

he laughs, shaking his head. "i forgot you were a fan." he says. "i wasn't a big fan, back then. because i didn't really listen to kpop." i said. "and now, here i am. in a kpop band." i said with a chuckle.

"so who's your bias?" he asks. i raised my eyebrows and furrowed my eyebrows. "you know, who's your favourite member? who did you dream of dating?" he said, making girlish squeals.

"ahh oppa! saranghae!" he squealed, running on the spot with a soapy sponge, making me laugh.

"i'm not telling." i said as i slowly piled the dishes he had rinsed unto the racks. "why?" he whines, looking at me with a frown. "you just want me to say that it was you. don't you?" i asked. he nods with a smile.

"okay fine. who would you most likely date among all of us?" he asks as he finally finishes rinsing all of the dishes.

"uhm.. well, you're one of the suitable contenders." i said with a shrug. "woah, really? daebak." he says with a nod, letting out a chuckle.

"i'll work hard then."

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