Chapter 17

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Natsu's POV:

As soon as I saw all the girls walking towards the door I jumped into the nearest bush. They were in there for nearly two hours, and because of the strict NO BOYS rule there was no way I could get in to peek. All the girls came out with shopping bags. I caught a glimpse of something red and silky sticking out of Lucy's bag. What did she get?
They walked around the shopping center for a couple hours after; shopping, getting manicures, and massages. Lucy however skipped out on the last thing and decided to go home earlier then the other girls.

Time for me to bolt so I can get there before her.
I jumped over buildings, ran through yards, and sprinted down the streets. She can't know I was stalking her.
I finally made it back through her window just before she crossed the bridge a block down the street.
Panting and out of breathe I layers down on her soft bed just waiting for the sound of the door to click open.
Seconds pasted, then minutes.

Did something happen to her on her walk home?

Just as I was about to jump out the window to go look for her I heard the door open. "Natsu I'm home," she called from the living room in tone so beautiful that it put birds songs to shame.
She walked into her room and put her bags down and started to move it to give me a hug, which I gladly accepted.  However, about two seconds in to it she started to push away. "Ew, Natsu you smell like you just crawled out of a dumpster. Let go of me," she whined while pushing me away.
I was hanging out in a dumpster while she was out with the girls. How did she even know that?

The way she was struggling to get away from me was so cute, why not tease her some more.
I tightened my grip on her and she squirmed I'm my arms. "Natsu please you smell so bad let me go," she complained as she managed to turn herself around in my arms but still unable to get free.
"what's the magic words Lucy?" I taunted.
"natsu please."
"Nope.  Two more guesses," I said while increasing my grip.
"Gray is a moron," she gasped out with desperation for breath as if she was holding hers.
"Close... but no cigar. Try again."
Correct answer.

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