chapter 35

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Lucy's POV:

The black box was the perfect size for a ring.

So that's what he was doing at the jewelry store. How on Earthland did I not realize it sooner.

Erza threw her broker hilt aside and a new blade appeared out of her closet Realm and into her hand.

Her voice horse and ragged from the fighting and shouting Erza stated with more anger brimming in her eyes, "My problem isn't with you as a parent Natsu. It is that you will be one before me. I promised you and Gray when we were children," she spit some blood on the floor," if either of you two got a girl pregnant before I had a child that your life would be ended swiftly."

Jealousy that was the stick planted up her ass. She wanted a baby. Badly it would seem.

Just as the she-demon and the Scarlet terror we're about to begin fighting again I shouted. "YOU CAN BE THE GODMOTHER."
Everyone whirled around to me in surprise.
"And what if I told you I could get you some alone time with Me as well. Then will you stop being so crazy and trying to kill my fiance.

Natsu's face lit up with excitement, "Your saying yes!?"

"Of course I am you dummy."

Erza began to lower her blade, " you would really let me be the godmother."

Mira interjected," but Lucy I called dibs on that position years ago."
I gave her a pleading look and she stopped objecting to the suggestion.
"Fine but I get to be the maid of honor at your wedding."

"Ah yes the wedding we must hurry up with that," Erza said switching out her sword for a huge binder, " we can't let the baby be born out of wedlock so we have to get it planned out now. It's only proper."

Natsu let out a harsh laugh, " Erza we are fairytail members nother we do is proper. You just destroyed magnolia because you were mad I was having a kid."

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