Prologue/ Amy the merhog and Sonic the Naga Part 1

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Hey everyone. I sorry for taking down this fanfiction story. I want to work on and revise some of the chapters. If you want you can send me some of your thoughts of how they should revise. Please let me hear your thoughts on this.

Once upon a time, in the waters of the great ocean was a beautiful city called Mertopia, a city full of Merpeople and Mermobians. The people of this grand city lived in peace with most of the creatures of the sea. However, there was one species that they were terrified and fearful of, nagas. There were many nomadic naga clans that lived in the sea. They were vicious, violent and dangerous. They would attack and kidnap the citizens, whenever they venture out in the open ocean waters or from their city. Often, the nagas forced many of them into slavery, to be servants to either the naga that captured them or sold to other nagas. Treated like pets and property, worst of all if any tried to run away or rebel against their naga masters, they would either get beaten into submission or would go from slaves to being the nagas dinner. The merpeople and mermobians were preyed upon by these nomadic naga clans constantly for many years. Many times they tried to fight back against them, but to no avail, as the Nagas were too strong.

Until one day, everything change when they found a powerful blue emerald, the size of a hand. This jewel granted enhanced abilities and unlock special powers within many of the citizens, but that was not all. For they soon learned to control the energy the emerald generated to create a large an impenetrable barrier that covered their entire city, protecting them against the nagas attacks. With their new abilities and powers the citizens of Metopia went to war against the nomadic naga clans and won. The nomadic naga clans were driven out and force to other parts of the ocean. The nomadic naga clans, furious by this humiliating defeat, that before leaving they swore that they would one day return more powerful than they were before, and they would have their revenge by destroy Mertopia and make all its people their slaves.

Many years went by and the barrier still protected the city and its people from any harm. The merpeople and mermobians continued to go about their lives happily, but they never forgot the threat the nagas made years ago. Guards routinely patrolled around the city, to make sure no nagas ever got in, but they also made sure no unauthorized citizen ever left the safety of the city. The only times that anyone ever did, was to forge for special items that couldn't be found in or around the city. Occasionally a naga or two would be passing by in the area and try to get in, but they would fail. However, if someone had been foolish enough to have gone out of the safety of the barrier while there were nagas in the area, they were never seen again. Of course the guards and elders made sure no one was to go out of the barrier, until now...

A young mermobian was swimming around exploring a rocky coral reef near a small beach, looking for seashells sandy sea floor. The mermobian was a pink merhog named Amy Rose. Her pink quills were long locks, reaching to her back, and three curled bangs above her eyes. Her eyes were an enchanting jade color. She had light peach colored muzzle and arms. Her figure was a lovely hourglass, with a slight athletic tone to it and perfectly shaped bust and hips. She wore a red seashell bikini top that matched the color of her long fish tail, which was red too. All in all she was beautiful. She continued through the rocky coral reef look for shells for her collection and maybe find some unusual items too. Amy always snuck out of the city to go exploring, she loved to explore the open ocean and all it's wonders. She knew that there were dangers out in the ocean waters, like the nagas and other predators. But she didn't let fear of possibly running into them stop her from escaping the city and explore new things. Amy soon spotted a pretty purple shell that just seemed to sparkle just ahead of her, she swam over to it.

"Wow, this one is really pretty." Amy marveled at the shell before putting it in her bag, that she had around her shoulder, and continuing on.

However, what she didn't know was that a naga was swimming near by. This naga was a blue hedgehog naga named Sonic. His quills were a long streamline and slightly curve down with two shark fin quills on his back. His eyes were a mesmerizing emerald green. His muzzle, arms, and chest were slightly tan. His body was lean, but muscular. His tail was the same color as his quills with emerald green pattern on top. He was just swimming around like always looking for either something new and interesting to catch his attention or something to eat. He was in his own world not paying attention to anything when out of the corner of his eye, something pink was swimming through the reef nearby, but by the time he turned to see what it had been it had disappeared into the reef again. Curious, Sonic swam closer to the reef to see what it was, quickly hiding behind a large rock when he saw the pink thing again in an open space within the reef. Slowly and discreetly, he peeking around the rock to see what the pink thing was and what he saw took his breath away. For swimming in the open space of the coral reef was a beautiful little pink female merhog. She had a perfectly shaped hourglass figure, her quills fell down her back in beautiful waves of pink locks gently swaying in the water. Her eyes were the most pure jade color he had ever seen in a girls eyes. In fact, her eyes were the most eye catching about her appearance, but there were certainly other things. Sonic licked his lips at the size of her bust, which was being hidden somewhat by her seashell bikini top that hugged her figure tightly. Her quills framed her face like a picture. As he continued to stare at the merhog, a strange warm feeling began to bloom in Sonic's chest. His heart started to beat faster and his face began to blush slightly red as he watch her picked up pretty shiny clear blue shell in a delicate manner.

She smiled tenderly as she looked at the shell in her hand, "This one is a beautiful color, definitely one for the collection." then put it in her bag.

Sonic's heart skipped a beat when he heard her voice, it was like bells chiming. He continued to observe her from a distance, heart still pounding. He soon realized why it was beating so fast and what that strange feeling blooming in his chest was. He was in love, that it was love at first sight.

Amy move to a different part of the reef to look for more seashells, "I just need one shell, before going back home." muttering to herself. She giggling a bit as some fish swam around her for a second before disappearing back into their coral homes.

Sonic quietly followed after her, making sure not to be seen before hiding behind some coral so she wouldn't see him and peeking around it watch her. "Take it easy Sonic, she a merhog." muttering to himself making it clear that even if he was in love with her, they were two different species. But as he continued to watch at her. "Who is probably the most beautiful creature I ever seen." he breathed and even thought Amy wasn't looking in his direction, Sonic couldn't help but to wink at her.

Amy was just swimming pass a small cave, when something sparkled in the limited sunlight catching her eye. Curious to see what it was, Amy went inside and found a gold bracelet with pearls on it. "Oh wow! It's so beautiful." Amy marveled, picking it up. "I wonder how it got here?" she pondered how a bracelet ended up in a cave.

Outside of the cave, Sonic was still spying on her and was thinking of maybe going in a introduce himself to her. Although he soon rethought that idea as he imagined how she would reacted to him if she saw him. She probably would be terrified, because he's a naga, and most likely swim away as fast she could to get away from him. 'Maybe I'll wait for the right opportunity to go and introduce myself to her, until then I'll just watch her from a distance.' Sonic thought to himself just as Amy came out of the cave putting the bracelet she found in her bag.

When Amy came out she looked up to the surface and saw the sun was setting. Sonic duck down so she won't see him. "I better get home now before it gets dark and the guards notice that I'm out of the city." she began to swim back home.

Sonic decided to follow her. Though he had to make sure to keep the right amount of distance, not too far behind, but not too close either. 'Don't worry my little merhog we will have our little encounter and finally meet each other face to face.' Sonic thought to himself secretly following her.

While swimming back to Mertopia, Amy had the strangest feeling that she was being watch, maybe even followed. She looked behind her to check to see if she was being followed, but saw nothing there. "I must be imagining things, better get home quickly." She reassured herself to keep calm.

Sonic, who hidden himself within a thick large patch of some tall seaweed, slowly came out as Amy started swimming off again. "That was too close, she almost saw me. I need to keep a better distance so she won't get suspicious." He began to follow her again. He didn't know why he had suddenly fallen head over tail for this merhog, but there was just something about her, something that was different then anyone he had every encountered. She looked as beautiful as a pink rose and as delicate as one as well, her jade eyes just match perfectly with her sakura fur. The little merhog was just absolutely beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes off her for very long.

Amy stopped at a small rocky hill that was a good distance away from the city's barrier. She then moved one specific big flat rock, which hid a secret passageway. She swam right in, moving the rock back into place to hide the passageway again. Swimming to the other end of the passageway Amy opened it slowly as she cautiously looked around to make sure no one was around. Once she deemed it safe, she exited out closing and hiding the entrance again before swimming off into the city. Sonic had watched all of this from where he hid and quickly realized that the passageway would allow anyone to get in or out to the city without the barriers interference.

Sonic went over to get better look at that secret passageway, when he saw the bracelet that Amy had found on the ground. "It must've fallen out of her bag by accident....I should return it to her." He then found a spot to relax and hide, in tall thick kelp forest that was close by. He was going to wait till it's dark before going into the city, so he could avoid been seen and give the bracelet back to the pink merhog.

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