Getting Clothes Part 4

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Amy wasn't sure how long they had been walking. It must have been 10, 20, or 30 minutes since she began following Marine to her home. Amy always lost track of time when ever she was swimming and exploring the sea. Only this time she was on land walking with legs, being lead by a young raccoon name Marine to her house so she can get some clothes so she wasn't walking around naked. Marine continued to lead Amy through the forest until finally they reach an opening, in the opening was hut made of Adobe with a red tile roof. The hut looked to big enough for small family of four or so to live in. "Well 'ere we are, home sweet home. It's not much, but it's home." said Marine as she opened the door and went inside, Amy following behind her.

Amy took in the room she entered into, which was the lounge room. It had a large couch, some sitting chairs, a decent size coffee table, a bookshelf with some knickknacks and books. The lounge was also connected to a small kitchen, which had a small island counter that separated the two rooms, cabinets, sink, pots, pans, fridge and stove. All these things were definitely different and probably worked differently than what was at home, but she guess they still did more or less did the same function they were supposed, just differently. Even though it wasn't much she thought that it was still a nice place to live. "I think it looks just perfect."

Marine went into another room that was behind the couch. The room she entered into was her own, which consisted of a twin size bed, a toy chest, a night stand, book shelf, desk, chair, and wardrobe. It was a little disorganized with a few books scattered on the floor. She went straight to the wardrobe and began digging through it. "Where'd did I put those bigger clothes. I know I kept in 'ere somewhere, for when I grow into them." she muttered as she continue to dig and tossing clothes to the ground.

Amy look about Marine's room seeing the titles of the books on the shelf and floor, and saw some were about how to make a ship, others how sail them, and the rest were guides books of different places all round the world. She notice a few sea charts, a compass, a spyglass, and a captains hat on the desk. Amy was amazed by all this things that were there and how some objects were similar to what she had found while exploring the sea and brought back home for her collection. Amy then notice a picture on the night stand, in the picture was an adult female raccoon that shared some features with Marine, smiling. The older raccoon in the picture wore a white blouse with brown vest over it, black tight fitting pants, brown boots and a captain's hat. "Hey Marine, who is this in the picture?" Amy asked as she pick up the picture.

Marine halted her searching to look up at Amy, and saw her holding the picture in question in her hands. "That's my mum." she replied.

"I should of realized seeing as you share some features with her." Amy commented with a smile. "I hope I get a chance to meet her."

Marine eyes instantly dropped and a sad look appeared on her face. Amy notice this reaction and frowned. "Did I say something wrong?" Amy asked in concern.

"No, it just that well...y-you won't be able to meet her, ever. She passed away last year. Actually murder is accurate!" Marine whispered bitterly.

"Murder!?" Amy whisper in horror of such an awful thing to happen. "How...?"

"Pirates!" Marine snarled. Marine then began explaining to Amy everything. "It happen during the begin of summer last year. Mum and me were browsing the traders market for some medicine herbs and some other goods. She had promised that if I behaved during our time there, she would keep her promise to take me to a special place I've been wanting to go since was just an ankle biter. However neither of us would have guess or dreamed how a day in the market would turn dangerous when band of pirates came to the island and attack the trades market. My mum reacted immediately and grab me as she ran to one of the buildings near by. She told me to stay put and that she would be back sooner than I can counted to 100. She pulled me into her arms one last time before releasing me and pushes me under a wooden table, then cover it up with a large cover. She runs out of the building and I started counting. Things began to quiet, I was scared but stayed and kept counting. I got to a hundred, but mum was not back. I thought that maybe I missed a few numbers and counted again, praying she would appear any minute. When I finish counting again she still wasn't back and everything was dead silent now. Finally having enough sitting and waiting I got out from my hiding spot and out of the building. What I saw after I exit the building was something that I would never forget. The market place, the vendors stalls, carts, tents, and wagons we're all trash and destroyed. Ruined goods either smashed or scattered everywhere on the ground. But the worst sight was seeing the bodies of some of villagers people who couldn't get away in time. Among those dead bodies mum." A few tears streamed down her face.

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