Tails Part 11

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After trudging through the woods to another more rocky beach which most of the locals called Whale Point. The group arrived in the area where the path that lead to the material Marine had told them was up ahead. "So, what sort of materials do you need, exactly?" asked Sonic.

"Let's see... there should be some stuff lying round..." Marine trailed off as she looked around to see if there were any small bits of material to show her friends. She then spotted the two kinds of the materials she was looking for. "Aha! This 'ere's what we need to get!" she exclaimed as she pick up a piece of blue crystal and a lump of iron. "Look for jewels or metals, like these." she showed him. "Then I can give it a burl at puttin' it together." Although as she said, she wasn't sure exactly how to do that step. She brought out a purple book from her bag and began looking through it to check if she was forgetting anything important.

"Hm? Hey Marine, what are you looking at?" Amy asked as she took the book to take a closer look at it. "Is this a book about ships?" she asked looking through the book.

Marine was little flustered after Amy took the book, but answered her question, "Yeah it's about ships. Actually it's about how to make ships, I think." she replied not totally sure.

"I think we should have Tails take a look at it first." suggested Sonic as he took the book from Amy.

"That's a good idea." Amy agreed.

"Shadow you go and get Tails. We're going to need his help once I get the materials.

"Fine by me. It's better than sitting and waiting around doing nothing."

"Cool, we'll meet back at the Seagull beach 'kay."

"Whatever, see you later guys." Shadow then left.

"Okay. I'll head out and get the materials that we need. You girls wait here until I come back."

He was about take off when Amy stopped him, "Hold on! Your going to need something to carry all the materials that you find." she took off her bag and offered it to him, "Here, you can use my bag. It's made it out of strong fabric materials. It's helped me many times when I went out a collected items wether they many or not, so maybe it can help you."

Sonic smile taking the generous gift. "Thanks Amy. I'll make sure to give it back to you when I get back." He then took off down the trail.

"Good luck Sonic." Amy called out.

"Be careful." Marine called out as well. Then two sat on a big rock under a tree and waited for Sonic to return.

Shadow pov

I made my way to Tails's home, which was luckily far from the village of this island. I slithered through the woods turning left and right at a few forks on the pathway, until I finally arrived at my destination. Tails's house was a one story, it was close to the woods and the ocean. Next to it was a large building that doubled as a workshop and hangar. After making sure there was no one else visiting, I made my way over to the house and knock on the door. I waited, but there was no answer. I was about to try again when a loud crashing sound coming from the workshop caught my attention. I went to investigate and saw the very person I was looking for, sitting on the floor rubbing his head with a pile of nuts and bolts scattered about him.

"Ow, that's going to sore till tomorrow." groaned Tails.

"Working on a new project Tails?" I spoke making my presences known.

The fox boy jumped a little and looked to the doorway. "Shadow! Long time no see!" Tails happily greeted. He got up from the floor and began picking the parts up. "Sorry about this mess. I was looking for some parts for a new invention that I was working on. When this box sort of landed on my head."

"Your lucky that it wasn't filled with bigger and heavier parts or you would've gotten more than a lumpy on your head." I told him helping him pick up the remaining pieces.

"Yeah." He smiled sheepishly. "By the way, what brings you here?"

I filled Tails in on some events that have been developing in the last few days as he tinkered away at his work bench. Tails was in disbelief to hear that his always adventure seeking and fun loving best friend, was in love.

"Whoa! I never thought the day would come when Somic fell in love! This must be a really special girl to have caught Sonic heart."

"Indeed. But that's not the reason why I came here. A little kid we made friends with yesterday needs your help in building a boat. Especially since she doesn't have the slightest clue on what she's doing even when she has a book on how to build one."

"Sure, I can help. I was getting a little bored and was hoping that one of you guys would stop by with a new adventure. Of course I have to finish adjusting these, not to mention test too before we go."

"What exactly are you working on anyway?" I asked him curiously. The devices he was working looked to be watches or something.

"Oh, it's something that I been working on for awhile now. This device will help you and Sonic blend in more without having to worry of people freaking out." Answered Tails.

"Really, how?"

"When activated, this device will alter your anatomy. Rearranging them for the wearer to look like regular mobians. The wearer will still have their normal strength, speed and agility, even when their not in their real form." He explained. "And I figured with how the people around here feel about nagas, thanks to the nomadic clans that live around here. This will help you guys out without having to worry about people trying to kill you guys. And this might also help you speed up on getting more intel."

He had a point. So far I haven't had any luck finding new leads that would help me locate my quarry. And the more set backs I have, the further away I am from getting my vengeance on the scum that practically took everything from me. And to me that is not acceptable.

Alright their both finished!" Tails declared. Pulling me out of my thoughts. He then presented me with one of the watch devices. "Put it on."

I did what he asked and place in on my wrist. "Have you tested this?" I asked looking at the device with a frown.

"Well, I was hoping you or Sonic could help test to see if works. And hopefully it won't hurt." said Tails sweat-dropping when I glared at him.

I detest being used as a guinea pig for his inventions, but since I'm the only one here I reluctantly agreed, "Alright let's just get this over with so we can go. Before it gets late." I said impatiently.

Tails exhaled, relieved that I agreed. "Okay, now all you have to do is push that red button on the right and let the device do the rest." he instructed.

I pushed the button. After I did the device activated and my body began to feel strange as it change. My body shrink down to a normal size mobian hedgehog. My tail shrank and split into two, becoming two legs and feet. I also got a regular hedgehog tail too. When the change was complete, I looked like a normal mobian hedgehog. Tails became extremely happy, "Alright, it work!"

I too was glad the device worked. I tried to walking over to Tails, but I was a bit unsteady. Since I was used to my snake tail for walking than two legs, I had a hard time distributing my weight equally on them. But somehow I managed to get it pretty quickly. "I'm happy for you. But we should get going now."

"Oh yeah, sorry I nearly forgot in all the excitement." He scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"It's all right, let's just get going. But first how do I change back?"

"Oh that easy you just hit the blue button to change back." Tails instructed me.

I pushed said button and began to change back to my true self. "Okay lets go. The others are probably wondering what's taking so long." I said as I began heading out the door.

Tails as he grabbed his pack and place the other device in it. "Lead the way." Soon we were off. Heading to where the others were waiting.

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