See You Later Part 5

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Normal POV

Amy decided that she should get going, before Marine starts asking personal questions. Questions that she wouldn't be able to answer without revealing the truth about what she is. Not to mention there was still Sonic, who was secretly hiding and watching from outside waiting for her. "Well I better get going. Sonic is probably getting worried about me." said Amy after she finished her glass and stood up.

"Oh alright, I guess you should get going." Marine said glumly. "Promise you'll come visit soon."

"Of course, after all what kind of friend would I be if I didn't come and visit you." Amy smiled.

Marine beamed a big smile. "Yeah! Oh, and maybe next time you can bring that Sonic block over, so I can meet him too!" Marine cheered.

"Maybe.." replied Amy a little uneasily. 'That is if you don't mind him the fact he's naga bother you?' she added in her mind. She walked to the front door. "Goodbye Marine, and thanks for clothes."

"Anytime Amy and tell your friend I said g'day." said Marine. Amy walked through the door and waved goodbye to the young raccoon. Marine wave to Amy as she stood in the doorway until she could no longer see her and went back inside, closing the door.

Sonic had already climb out the tree and was back in the cover of the trees. He secretly done this while Amy was saying goodbye to Marine, making sure to still not be seen. He stayed hidden waiting until Amy was far into the trees where the raccoon girl could no longer see her. He revealed himself once she was, he stood in front of Amy arms cross with a stern look. "I thought I told to stay put until I got back."

Amy, who hadn't been startled this time when Sonic suddenly appear, looked down at the ground in slight shame. "I know and I'm sorry. I should've have stayed put like you asked me to, but you were gone for a long time and Marine had offer me some clothes. I guess I assumed that I would be back before you knew I was gone."

"Still you shouldn't have gone wondering off. I thought something bad had happen, like you were kidnapped or something." He scolded.

'He sounds just like Maria when she lectures me.' She thought, slightly amused and annoyed by this. "I get it okay. I shouldn't have gone off on my own. Even though I was with a young innocent child who had merely offered me some clothes so I wouldn't be streaking anymore. Speaking of which, why didn't you tell me that I was naked!" Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as she recalled how she had stupidly been oblivious to notice she had been naked after her tail turn to legs. And how Sonic had seen everything, but didn't say a word to her about it.

"I didn't think it was a big deal to worry about. Besides, I've seen plenty mobians as well as have a few mobian friends that walk around wearing only gloves, socks, shoes, and maybe a few accessories."

Amy was slightly surprise by this information, but still upset with him. "Well next time promise me you'll say something. I don't like it when people don't tell me something I need to know."

"Fine I promise. As long as you also promise not to go wondering off like that again without telling me." he chided gently, as he took one of her hands in both of his and squeezed it lightly. "I didn't like, not knowing where you were. I was scared something terrible had happen to you."

Amy blushed and looked away, the sincere look on his face when he said that. "I...I think I should go home now." she stutter a little, taking her hands back. "It's starting to get late and Maria will be worried if she doesn't find me in the city. She might get the guards."

"Can't you stay a little longer?" Sonic begged. "I barely got a chance to get to know you better."

"I'm sorry, but I can't." The disappointed look on Sonic's face tugged at her heartstrings that without thinking she quickly added, "But maybe we could see each other again tomorrow, same time, same place. That is...if you want to?"

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