Machine Labyrinth Part 19

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(With Amy and Maria)

Amy and Maria were wondering around in unknown part of one of the factories buildings, searching high and low for Marine. They had lost sight of her after failing to notice a large pipe hole in the middle of the floor and fell in. The pipe had many twists and turns until finally they landed somewhere deep in within the mechanics labyrinth. They didn't know which way to go, nor how to get back to the others, they were hopeless lost and alone. They started walking, figuring they should try and find their way back to the others and hopefully find Marine too. They took many left and right turns down different corridors, going up and down different elevated platforms using stairs or elevators they came across. They searched high and low for any sign of Marine or the others, but had no luck with either one. Instead they kept running into strange robots creatures that seemed to be workers of some kind that maintain the many machines and factories of this place. The girls quickly learned that these workers didn't like strangers as they tried to scare and attack both girls when ever they came close to them to ask them for directions. So they continued onward, soon they had stopped to rest after 2 hours of wondering around. They rested near a steam generator that kept blowing out steam every minute.

"This place is a maze Amy. How will we ever find Marine and the others if we don't know where we are?" asked Maria.

"I don't know, but hopefully we'll find them soon or they can find us. We'll just have to keep wondering until then." replied Amy, trying to stay positive.

After resting for 5 minutes they both got up and started to head down another corridor.

(With Tails, Sonic, And Shadow)

Tails, Sonic, and Shadow were searching for their missing friends. Tails tried flying around to get a birds-eye view using his two tails to see if he could spot them in the air, but had no luck. Sonic and Shadow meanwhile used the steam pipes that blew steam hard enough that it launched them to a different higher platforms, though they had no better luck than Tails either. The three of them even went down some pipes, like the one the girls fell through, to get to different parts of the labyrinth. They also ran into the same strange mechanic worker robots, they too tried to ask them where they were and if they seen their friends. They were meet with the same results like the girls, the robots tried to scare them off or bash them. Tails, Sonic and Shadow were quick to dodge, but unlike the girls they gave the robots bashing back themselves. They searched for 2 hours, but still no sign of any of the girls. The three of them stopped by some water tanks to rest before continued on their search.

"This place is enormous, and all these contraptions and robots, I can't even tell where we are anymore." complained Shadow.

"I have to admit that I'm also at a lose here too. We've been searching for 2 hours and still haven't found the girls." admitted Tails, fully exhausted.

"I know guys, but don't worry guys we'll find them. We just need to keep looking." encouraged Sonic, trying to keep them positive about the situation. They both agreed with him.

Soon they started to head to a different platform that was down below to contuine their search.

(With Maria and Amy)

Maria and Amy were walking down another corridor, still looking for Marine and their friends. They were coming to left turn up ahead when they heard a sudden loud crash sound. Both girls were startled and hastily press themselves against the wall, not sure if whatever made that sound was something that could be dangerous. They slowly crept to the corner and cautiously peeked around it. Both girls let out a sigh of relief, standing next to a toppled cart over a pile of huge octagon shape bronze bolts, was Marine.

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