On land again Part 7

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Amy was still waiting patiently where she sat when Sonic coming back. He looked a little uneasy about something. "Sonic, is something wrong?" Amy asked him.

Sonic looked into her eyes seeing concern in them. Sonic rubbed the back of his neck, he didn't know how best to tell her that she was going to meet a naga friend of his. Sonic gave up with a sigh, it was best to blunt about it and get it over with. "Amy, I have to tell you something." he paused trying to find the right words. Amy waited patiently for him to continue. He took a deep breath before telling her what was up. "I'm don't know how best to say this so I'll be blunt. A semi-friend of mine is going to meet you.

Amy was confused and curious about this. "Who is this 'semi-friend' of your that I'm going to meet?" she asked.

"His name is Shadow and well....he's a naga." When he said that Amy became a little paler, but he quickly added. "Don't panic Amy he's like me, a good naga and he's nice. Well mostly nice, when he's not in a bad mood." Amy didn't look convinced. "But I swear Amy, he really is one of the good nagas and he definitely won't harm you, I promise." He swore to her.

Amy was still a not sure about meeting another naga. She had just barely gotten used to Sonic. After all they had just meet and became friends just yesterday. Now she was going to meet another one! Wasn't one naga enough! But Sonic did say that this other naga is one of the good nagas and he was nice, a little. She took a deep breath and then let it out, calming herself and her frighten thoughts down, so she could think more clearly and rationally. She had already accepted Sonic as a friend, so maybe she can be friends with this naga friend of his too. Beside Sonic swore that this naga wouldn't hurt her.

Amy took another calming breath, before look up at him and nodded her head, "Okay Sonic, I trust you. Let's meet this friend of yours." she agreed with a small smile. Sonic breath having been holding his breath after what he had told her. Sonic was happy she bravely agreed to meet another naga, she was starting to trust him. That made Sonic's hopes that she will fall for him grow more. Sonic then took her hand before turning toward where Shadow was hiding. "Alright Shadow you can come out now.

Hearing Sonic give the signal, Shadow came out from behind the coral and drifted toward the two. Amy slightly trembled as the black and red naga came closer, she was scared and nervous. Sonic gently squeezed her hand to reassure and comfort her before he introduced the two. "Amy this is my semi-friend, Shadow the Naga. Shadow this is Amy Rose the Merhog."

Shadow smiled warmly at her as he took one of her hands and kiss it, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amy."

Amy blushed and turned her head to the side to hide it. "I-It's very nice to meet you too, Shadow."

With her head still turned away Amy failed to notice Sonic silently glaring at Shadow. Sonic had not liked how Shadow had kissed Amy's hand, even if it was just a simple friendly gesture. Shadow meet Sonic glare and wasn't fazed by it, in fact he decided to have a little fun with him. "Now that I see how lovely she is, I can see how you could act like a love struck pup last night." Sonic looked like he want to kill Shadow now, he was blushing bright red as he glared at him.

Amy blushed again at the lovely comment, though she was perplexed about the rest he had said. "Uh, what was that last part you said?"

Before Shadow could say anything else Sonic hastily cut him off. "Hey Amy, how about we all go explore Southern Island again. There a secret spot I wanted to show you." A nervous smile on his face, hoping to sidetrack her. It worked, the suggestion got Amy's attention.

"Really? What's this secret spot?" She asked forgetting about getting answer to her previous question.

"Well it's something that you simple can't describe. You have to go and see for yourself. So what do you say?"

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