Maria finds out Part 9

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Maria pov

I couldn't believe what my eyes are seeing right now. Amy was outside the safety of barrier, not only that she was with two male hedgehog nagas. At the sight of the two nagas I almost screamed, but covered my mouth with my hands and ducked behind some seaweed. I parted some of the seaweed so I could still see Amy and the nagas. 'What is going on!? What is she doing outside the barrier!? She promise me she wouldn't do that anymore! I should've know she still sneak out, she's always been so stubborn about exploring outside the safety of city! But still what is she doing with two nagas!? Why is she with them!? Why is she talking to them!? Why isn't she swimming away from them!?' My thoughts raged. Then something more shocking happen when one of them kissed Amy on the cheek. I was in shock, disbelief what had just transpired mere seconds ago. That naga had kissed Amy on the cheek and Amy seemed to be in a daze state before smiling sweetly. Why is she smiling!? Why isn't she disgusted or frighten from the action!? Why!? I had to know what was going on!"

Back to normal pov

Amy was in daze state, still surprised by the kiss Sonic placed on her cheek.

"A small token to say thank you for great time today. I hope we can do again soon, Amy." said Sonic with a gently smile, as a light blush appeared on his face.

Amy slowly smiled too, as a light pink blushed blooming across her face. "Me too, Sonic."

Shadow smiled, shaking his head at how these two were acting. "Okay, you two that's enough with the sweet good byes." said Shadow, getting their attention.

Sonic and Amy flinched, both blushing as they turned to him. Completely forgetting that he was there.

Shadow chuckled at their reaction. "Come on Sonic, we better get going before we spotted by the Mertopia guards and get into unnecessary trouble with them." he said as he began to swim away.

Sonic and Amy gave nervous laugh, before they turn back to each other, "I'll see you tomorrow?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah" Amy replied.

"Cool. Well, see you later." he said before swimming after Shadow.

"See you later." Amy called out, before entering the passageway and went straight to her house. Unaware that someone was following her.

Amy pov

After I got home, I sat down on my couch thinking about all that happened today. I made another new friend and with another friendly naga no less. Not to mention Marine finding out I'm a merhog and meeting Sonic and Shadow. I'm just thankful she was very open minded about everything. My thoughts then wondered to Sonic and the kissed he gave me. I blushed at the memory, that was the first time any boy ever kiss me. Granted it was just peek on the cheek, but still it was enough to make my heart flutter a bit. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door.

'I wonder who that could be and at this time.' I thought as I went to open the door. When I opened it I saw it was Maria, "Maria? What are you doing here this late?"

"Amy, we need to talk, now!" she demanded before swimming pass me before I could answer. I wonder, what was wrong. Maria looked agitated about something.

I joined Maria on the couch. "Okay, what's going on Maria, what do you need to talk to me about? Is something the matter?" I asked her.

Maria looked straight at me with livid eyes, "Amy, I want you to answer me this question honestly. What were you doing outside the barrier and with two hedgehog nagas?" she demanded.

I was shocked and horrified, how did Maria find out!? "Maria....I-I-I can explained. I know I promise that I wouldn't, but I-" I tried to explain, but Maria cut me off.

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