On Land part 3

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Sonic and Amy broke through the surface of the water and started toward the shore. Amy was both excited and nervous. Excited about seeing and explore the land world; seeing amazing animals and plants that she had only ever dreamed of seeing there. Nervous, for this was her first time ever leaving the sea. Not to mention she was going in the company of a naga, who she still was unsure to trusted or not. Once they reached the shore, Sonic slithered out of the water first and turned to wait for Amy to follow. She was hesitant at first, but muster up her courage and crawled onto the beach toward where Sonic waited. As Amy got onto the dryer part of the sand, something strange and amazing happened. Her body began to softly glow, her fin tail started to change and transform into a pair of legs. Amy watched in shocked and amazement, as her fin tail turned into a pair of legs before her very eyes. Sonic was equally amazed by her transformation too, but he also took notice that she was fully naked. Not that he minded, as he secretly licked his lips, taking in her new form that was equally beautiful as her merhog form. Besides he seen many mobians, wether male or female, walking around wear nothing but gloves, socks, shoes and maybe a few associates.

"I can't believe it, I have legs." Amy smiled excitedly, lifting one foot up and wiggled her toes. "I've heard stories from the elders about this. Merpeople and mermobians tails transform into legs when their on dry land, and change back to a tail when their in the water again." Amy tried to stand up on her new legs. But since she was new to them, they shake harshly before collapse immediately. A look of pain displayed on her face.

Sonic saw this and gently put a hand on Amy's shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked, worry tranced in his voice.

"Yeah...I'm just not adjusted to this form yet. My legs feel really tingly, like I'm pins and needles." She looked back at him. Before Amy knew it, she was lifted up in the air and felt arms wrapped around her. Amy looked to see Sonic holding her and looking at her with a kind eyes.

"Well, perhaps I should carry you, until your fully adjusted to your new legs. Besides, I wouldn't want someone as cute as you to be left alone." Sonic said, a smile present on his face. "Plus you'll still get to tour the island."

Amy blushed slightly by the 'cute' comment and he did have a point about still being able to see more of the island. Still blushing, she wrapped her arms around Sonic's neck and buried her head by Sonic's shoulder. "Until I'm fully adjusted to my new legs."

Sonic looked slightly shocked by this, but smiled with slight blush to his cheeks before slithering towards the trees. Sonic was happy that Amy accepted his offer to carry her, he really was enjoying having her in his arms. As they travel, Amy marveled at all the trees, bushes, and flowers, as well as all birds, insects, and tiny critters that live in them. Seeing her captivated by all these things, Sonic told her all the different names of some the plants, insects, birds, and critters that he knew. Amy listen with fascination as he explained and described each thing. Sonic was so happy that Amy was enjoying herself, that he all but nearly forgot his hunger. Almost, until his stomach gave off a loud growl reminding him that he still hasn't eaten anything yet.

Sonic looked at Amy with a sheepish look as he scratch the back of his head. "Hehe, guess I nearly forgot that I still need to eat something." he set her down on a fallen log. "You stay here Amy, while I go and find myself something to eat. Don't go wondering off on your own while I'm gone, okay. It's dangerous when you don't know the area."

As much as Amy didn't like the idea of having to stay put and do nothing, Sonic was right. She didn't know the place and it would be foolish of her to go wondering off on her own in unfamiliar place. "Alright." she sigh.

"Great. I'll try not to take to long." He said, before he left and disappeared through bushes.

Sonic POV

After traveling the forest for maybe 40 minutes, I final spotted something to eat. A wild boar came into view getting a drink from a calm spring that was close by. I smirked, before slowly and quietly slithering closer to unsuspecting animal, making sure to stay perfectly still when it lifted it's head to check for any danger. Once I was close enough, I got into position and just when it seem to sense something not right, I struck. The wild pig squealed and thrash as I grabbed it with my tail and immediately wrapped my coils around it's body, completely trapping the animal. I began to squeeze the life out of it, it squealed loudly, still thrashing trying to get free, but I wasn't budging as I kept hold of it. My coils squeeze the boar tighter and tighter breaking it's bones strangling it until there was a sickening crack and the boar went limp. I lifted up the dead carcass and opened mouth, which became really big and slowly began to swallow the dead boar whole. Once I finished my meal, I wanted to go lay in a nice sunny spot and digest my meal, but I had to get back to Amy as I've been gone a long time.

Back to normal POV

It had nearly been an hour since Sonic left. Amy had used that time to teach herself how stand and walk, as her legs didn't feel sore or tingly anymore. It took about 5 try's, but she eventually was able to stand up without falling. She took small steps as she tried to walk, gradually taking bigger ones before she was able to walk with ease. Amy giggled in delight that she could now stand and walk now that she did a few twirls.

Unbeknownst to her, a very young female raccoon was walking and exploring through the forest. The young raccoon look to be 9 or 10 years old and had orange fur with some brown on her hair, ears and tail. Her hair was in two low pigtails that were both slightly bent and pointed outward. Her eyes are blue and her muzzle is white, she had brown and light brown mask markings around her eyes. She wore a green tube top shirt, black knee length pants, light brown gloves, and green & orange boot like shoes. She heard Amy's giggling and went to investigate where it was coming from and soon came upon Amy spinning and twirled happily. "Hey, what's sheila like yourself doing out 'ere all alone?" asked the young raccoon.

Amy was startled and turned to see a young raccoon standing a little ways from her. "Oh! Who are you and where did you come from?"

"Mind yourself, mate! Askin' for a name and you ain't giving your own first?" The raccoon practically snapped.

"What? Oh, I...I'm sorry! My name is Amy, Amy Rose."

"Cheers! My name's Marine! Now that's taken care of, I'm interested to hear why ya not wearing any clothes?" the raccoon inquired.

For the first time since her transformation from fin tail to legs, Amy finally took notice that she was naked. Amy let out a small scream before trying to cover up what little she could with her hands before jumping behind bush. 'How could I have been so stupid! I was so preoccupied by my new form and adjusting to it, that it never a occur to me that I was naked! And Sonic he...Oh my gosh! He saw everything!' Amy thought as she face exploded in bright red blush of embarrassment.

Marine walked over to her, "Hey c'mon now, don't get ya quills in a knot. Listen, how bout I take you to my place and see if we can't find ya some clothes to wear." she offered.

Amy thought about it for a moment. Sonic had told her to stay put until he got back, but it had already been an hour since he left and she had no idea when exactly he'll be back. Marine's offer was tempting as it would allow her an opportunity see a land person's home and how they live. Plus she would like to have some form of clothing on her than being bare as a new born before Sonic came back. "Okay, I'll go with you back to your place, but I can't stay too long."

"Ripper! Now follow me and will be there in a jiffy." Marine began leading the way, with Amy following behind.

30 minutes after they left, Sonic finally came back, but saw that Amy was gone. Sonic panicked, "Amy! Where are you! Amy!" He called out to her looking frantically around the area, hoping she was still near by, but alas she wasn't. Sonic was frantic, not knowing where Amy could've wondered off to or if someone taken her. If someone did take her and did any harmed her, they were going to answer to him when he finds them. He then remembered that he could track her scent, as Nagas had strong sense of smell that enable them to track down prey or potential mates. Remembering Amy's scent, which he had secretly took a whiff from when he carried her and found out her scent was sea flowers. He started sniffing the air before catching a faint whiff of Amy's scent heading off in the direction of the village that was on the island. However her scent wasn't alone as there was another scent along with her's. "She must've meet someone while I was gone." he deduce, before following the scent trail.

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