What Remains of Mertopia Part 24

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Tails was at the ship's helm, starting the engine he piloted the ship out away from the dock and through the gates. Once cleared of it, he set the course on the navigation maps to the west, much farther out and beyond machine island. While he was doing that, Sonic and Shadow were checking the ropes of the sails, securing the cannons and ammo, and other things. Amy, Maria, and Marine also made themselves busy in the decks below, making sure their food, medical, and other supplies were where they should be. They had also brought the Wave Cyclone on board just in case they needed it for an emergency. However, before they started on their journey, they made a slight detour and headed to where Metopia was located.

Amy and Maria had wanted to see what had become of their beloved home. They were plaque by nightmares of their citied conquered, their people in chains, slaves to the nomadic nagas. Even though these images plaque their minds and the fear of what they might see, they still wanted to see it.

Once they reach the location, they anchored the ship. After making sure it was secured, Amy and Maria jumped over the side into the water. Sonic and Shadow following behind them, not wanting them to go alone just in case. As they slowly approached the city, Amy and Maria started trembling, afraid of what they might see. Both nagas notice this and swam closer to them. Sonic swam closer to Amy and Shadow to Maria, both took hold of their hand, snapping both girls back to reality. Sonic and Shadow gave them reassuring smiles, letting them know their with them. Both merhogs gave them a small smile back, feeling a little better that they were not alone.

Soon they arrived and the sight before them was just as awful as they feared. Buildings in ruins, bodies were scattered about the ground. They swam through the city searching, hoping to find survivors. They came across a large makeshift base of some kind with a large group of survivors in it. Many were injured and in need immediate medical attention, others were passing out rations of food or other items salvage from other ruined buildings. There were guards too, that looked somewhat hurt or injured, but still ready to fight and protect if needed. As the group swam closer to the city, the guards soon spotted them coming and notice that two were nagas. Three guards rush with spears and swords out ready to attack the two nagas and rescue the two merhogs, while the rest stayed behind to protect the citizens.

"Halt there you vile beasts! Get away from those two merhogs!" bellowed the leading guard. He was merman about in his 40s, with gray hair and 2 different colored eyes, one brown, one blue, and his tail was grayish shark tail fin. Flanking both his sides were two females. On his right was a white merbat, with blue eyes, tan arms and purple mermaid tail. On his left a red fur merfox, with brown hair tied in a yellow ribbon, blue eyes and yellow mermaid tail.

Shadow and Sonic got into their fighting stances, as the three guards charged straight towards them. However, Maria and Amy quickly intervene, place themselves in front of their friends and spreading their arms out. The guards stop at once, stunned by the merhogs actions.

"What are you two doing. Don't you two realize that your protecting nagas!" the merman yelled at the two girls.

"Please wait sir, these two nagas are not our enemy! Their our friends and they want to help." proclaim Maira.

"Absurd! All nagas are evil vicious monsters. They kill or enslave anyone that crosses their paths with!"

"Not all nagas are evil as our people have come to believe! Sonic and Shadow are nothing like the nomadic nagas, in fact both are from 2 different clans that resides in 2 far away continents. They and their clans are the exact opposite of nomadic naga clans, for they have been nothing but kind and friendly to us!" proclaim Amy.

The guards faces looked upon the pink and blonde merhogs in disbelief, but it soon turned into outrage. "How can you two side with those beasts! Even if what you said about them could be true, which I highly doubt, their kind as well as those mechanical creatures are responsible for the destruction of our city and all the lives that have been lost!" ranted the merbat.

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