Maria/Amy meets Sonic part 2

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Amy made it to her house, which was a small two story stone house. After she got inside, she went straight to her room upstairs. She set her bag down on the bed and began taking out all her new seashells and to putting them with the rest of her collection. However as she was taking them out she notice that the bracelet that she had found was gone. "Wh-where is that bracelet?" she wondered, looking thoroughly through her bag. "...Oh no, it must've fallen out of my bag when I was coming back home. I have to find it." She headed back downstairs and open the door, but stop because another merhog was standing in front of the door.

The merhog in front of her was blonde with long blonde hair that reached her shoulder blades. She had bright blues eyes. A very light tan muzzle and arms. Her body also was the same hourglass figure and same size chest. She wore a light blue seashell bikini top, which matched her tail color, light blue. "You have to find what?" inquired the merhog, with stern look on her face and arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh Maria, I..I was just going to find some umm.....seaweed!....You know to eat and stuff." Amy lied, but stuttered.

"Oh really. Then would you mind telling me where you have been all today?" Maria questioned her, still with a stern look. Not believing one bit of her lie. "You weren't outside the barrier exploring again were you?!"

"What, no. I was home...all day doing some" Amy lied.

Maria wasn't buying it, "If I find out that you were outside of the safety of the barrier one more time..." Maria angrily started, but let out a frustrated sigh. "Amy, you know I think and see you as my sister. Ever since we meet and became friends at the orphanage 8 years ago, we've looked out for each other. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, if you keep going outside the barrier I'm going to tell the elders and have them assign bodyguards to keep eye on you."

"I know Maria.." Amy replied with her head down and hands behind her back feeling ashamed. "I feel the same way about you. You've always been a sister to me and being the only family that I ever have. Since I never knew my real family."

Maria put her hands on both Amy shoulders, "I just want to make sure your safe, you can get hurt out there. A naga could capture you and torture you or worse if your not careful." she stated her concerns about Amy's well being and safety.

Amy looked up at Maria, "I am careful Maria, so you don't have to worry about me, okay." she reassured her. She wanted Maria to know that she can be careful out there, and that she was tough enough to handle any problem that might come along.

Maria looked her in the eyes "Just promise me you won't go outside the barrier anymore." She pleaded.

"I promise." Amy promised with a smile, but of course she was going to go outside the barrier again. She didn't like going back on promises with Maria and worrying her, but she just didn't understand. Amy didn't want to spent her entire life behind the city's barrier forever. She wanted to explore the world, see amazing sites, find interesting creatures and meet new people, from beyond the safety of home. Maria breath a sigh of relief at Amy's promise. They both hugged each other and chatted for a while before Maria left to go to her own house. Her home wasn't too far away from Amy's, just a little down a ways. Amy decided to wait till tomorrow morning to go and find that bracelet. She made herself a light dinner then cleaned up and went to bed.

When night came, Sonic quietly went through the secret passageway that Amy had used to get into the city. Once he was on the other side he made sure to hide the passageway entrance. He soon began his search for the pink merhog, while also making sure not to be seen by any guards that were patrolling around the city. There were a few close calls the with the guards, but he eventually found her sleeping in a bedroom of a little two story stone house. Sonic smiled and quietly entered the room through the window, so as not to wake her up. He quietly place the bracelet on a nightstand near by before moving closer to her bed. He gazed at the pink merhog dreamily, 'she looks beautiful even sleeping', he thought. Sonic really wanted to take the pink merhog to be his lover and mate right then and now, but he first had to gain her trust and slowly earn her love. Sonic then lightly caress her muzzle and silently whispered "Oh my beautiful pink merhog, you and I will soon meet face to face very soon." He gave Amy a little kiss on the cheek before leaving her home, as quietly as he came. Soon after exiting the city through the passageway again, Sonic went back to the spot he had been hiding and waiting in before, the merhog wouldn't be able to spot him when she came out again. He had decided to stay close by so that when the pink merhog came out again he would be waiting. As soon as he was comfortable he fell asleep.

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