Chapter 17

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~*Two days later*~

   *Harry's P.O.V*

~The night on the airplane~

I liked the idea of going to New York with my girlfriend and her bestfriend and my bestfriend, but I was a little worried that she would spend the whole time in New York with Nori. Nori's birthday was a few days ago and tomorrow is Lexi's birthday and she is turning 19 and I'm only older that her by a year and a month.

I looked over at Lexi who was sleeping and curled up in the seat wrapped up in her blanket."Why are you staring at me." She smiled joking around. "Because it's not illegal." I smiled back at her. I leaned over and pecked her lips. "You talk in your sleep you know." I added. "Well the only thing I really dream about is my terrible childhood." I was alittle confused on her comment. "You said Zayn a couple of times." I wanted to forget what she had said but it was stuck in my head.

"I had a dream that he died in a car accident." she shot up. "Oh." I said. I looked over the seat to see if Niall was sleeping but he wasn't he was on his phone texting someone.

"Are we almost there?" Lexi asked. "Just about 20 minutes." I looked at my watch. "Ugh, what am I going to do for 20 minutes?" She rolled her eyes. "I know." I raised my eyebrows. "Har, we're on a plane." She whined. Like I care if we were on a plane or not I joked in my head.

~2 days later~

I was watching a movie while Lexi was taking a shower. I heard the shower turn off, and then Lexi walkes out with just a towel on. "Babe, you literally just killed me." I said jokingly. "Come here." I motioned her to me.

*Lexi's P.O.V*

I walked over to the side of the bed and he pulled onto his lap. He started kiss my neck. "Now you're killing me." I laughed.

He laughed through his kissing. He pulled away and looked at me, I nodded. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded again reassuring him.

"I trust you." I kissed him in between words. He didn't hold back anything I could tell, he was unbuttoning his shirt without letting go of our kiss. "The towel needs to go." I laughed as he spoke his mind.

*Olivia's P.O.V*

~1 week later, at school~

I was walking to my locker when I noticed some new girl walking in the hallway with a schedule in her hand looking at every door. I walk toward her "Need some help?" "Please. I've been whistled at, tripped, and called slut like alot today." She smiled. "What's your name?" I questioned. "Jazlyn Fisher." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"I'm Olivia, and if there is a guy you recognize from One Direction walking with the other boys and a body guard don't get scared." I laughed alittle. "Why?" She sort of chuckled. "My boyfriend would be Liam Payne." We started walking down the hallway. "I see you have english next. I'm going there next to so I'll show you were it is." I cheekly told her.

We walked down the hallway to english and here came Liam with the boys and their body guard I call P. "Miss. Olivia, how is Dakota?" P asked. "He is at his grandma's house and probably sleeping." I smiled at him. "Who is Dakota?" Jazlyn whispered in my ear. "He is my son, ya I'm only 18 but he is the second greatest thing in my life. The first is Liam." I walked over to Liam and he pecked me on the lips. "I have to get to class." I pecked his lips once more. He sighed and I walked with Jazlyn to english.

When we walked into english and I realized we were late. "Jefferson you're late." Mr. Howard looked at his papers not looking up to see who just walked into his class room.

"Sorry, but I was busy having a life." Everyone in the classroom laughed at my comment. "Were is Grimes, it's been seven months and she still isn't at school. Were have you been the last two days?" He still wasn't looking at me. "Have you ever expirenced a miscarriage Howard? And have you not looked at my apperance the last seven months?" I flipped him off but I knew he could still tell what I was doing.

"No, Olivia I'm a man so I don't know what it's like to have a miscarriage. But I have seen your.apperance. Tell Alexis that she is failing and if she doesn't come back to school she will be kicked out of my class. Put your finger down while your at it." He said as I slowly put my finger down. "Well I have been in the hospital the last two day taking care of my son." Everyone jokingly gasped at my comment this girl next to me highfived me.

"Lexi, will be back in 3 days." I said as he sighed. I went and sat down in my seat.

Mr. Howard please send Olivia Jefferson to the office she needs to leave. The lady came over the intercom.

"Bye Mr. Howard try not to miss your favorite student." I said being a smartass as I was getting up and leaving.

I opened the door and walked out and walked down the hallway to my locker to grab my phone and my purse. All the sudden I felt someone pulled me into what looked like the boys bathroom. "Hey beautiful." Liam whispered in my ear. "Hi, but I need to get to the office." I peck his lips and started walking to the office.

Liam Payne please come to the office, Liam Payne to the office. The lady said over the intercom.

I heard running from behind me then someone intertwined their fingers with mine. I look over to see Liam smiling at me. "Why do they want both of us ?" I questioned him. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

When we walked into the office Liam's mom and dad were their along with Dakota who was being watches by Liam's mom. They both turned around and Ms. Grimes was crying. "Jordan? What's wrong? I asked her. "Lexi got in a car wreck on their way to their hotel. They are at the hospital down the road. We haven't been there yet because we came to get you guys." Liam's dad said.

I walked over to Jordan and she handed me Dakota. It was really hard to see because I had tears in my eyes. Liam pulled me into his chest and I burried my head un his chest and started crying. Louis, Veronica, and Zayn ran into the office laughing. "What's going on?" Zayn stopped laughing when all of them saw me and Jordan upset. "Lexi... Lexi is at the hospital." Mr. Payne said.

"No, no, no!" He started repeating over and over again. "What the fuck happened!?" Louis asked. "They were on their way to the hotel and a car pulled out right in front their car. Niall isn't doing so food either." Jordan said trying her hardest not cry.

They signed all of out of school so we could go see Niall and Lexi. When we got out to the car I had to put Dakota in his car seat. I'm pretty sure Zayn was the most scared out of all of us.

I rode with Jordan while Mike, Louis and Veronica, Liam,and Zayn drove their cars to the hopital. When we got to the hospital we saw the ambulance still getting Lexi and Niall into the hospital. Mike got out of his car, slammed the door, and ran up to see if it was Lexi they had JUST gotten out of the ambulance. I grabbed Dakota out of the back and.sped walk up to the Emergency entrance.

I got inside pasted the doors and when I did they already had her back in the emergency room.

Harry was standing in the corner with his head against the wall and Nori was huddled up in a chair crying. "Harry!" I ran up hugged him while holding Dakota on my side. He burried his head in my neck.

I sat down in one of the chairs and waited until we heard some bad news from the doctor. "Mr. and Mrs. Grimes." They both looked at eachother and gave eachother weird looks but walked up to the doctor. "She will possibly be in coma for a couple of days. She hit her head pretty hard, and as of Niall he has mild concussion and a broken arm." He looked over and smiled at me, as if he was trying to reassure me to be calm, considering I just had a baby.

*Lexi's P.O.V*

I woke up in a dark room trying to see were I was. Slowly the light faded in as I blinked a couple of times I saw blurry visions for a few then I could make out who was sitting in my room. "Harr- Harry?" I stuttered. "Lex!" He almost jumped out of the chair that very unfamiliar.

"Were am I?" I questioned. "You're in the hospital Alexis, you got in a car accident. And that note I have some exciting news for you." I was still alittle confused on what was happening. "Alexis, you're pregnant." Good thing I was laying in a bed because I almost passed out.

I looked over at Harry and his jaw was dropped. "Congratulations! Make sure you get some rest, and there will be a nurse in here in awhile to put the baby heart monitor on your stomach to make sure the baby is doing ok." The Dr. let out as I still couldn't believe this was happening.

Please god let my first baby make it, please!

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