Chapter 15

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~7 Months Later~

*Lexi's P.O.V*

It's been seven months since I've seen or talked to Zayn. Harry told me he is dating this girl from school, but I don't know her name. I'm supposed to go visit Harry and go out to dinner with him. I hope we can enjoy dinner because Olivia could go into labor anytime now.

Alot has changed about me. I don't have blue hair anymore. I dyed my hair so now I have long blonde hair, that falls down to the middle of my back. I don't work for a daycare anymore, I stay at home and watch my little brother which pays about $30.00 a day, that's is the only way I babysit. Harry and I are also working on dating. Also I got braces.

"Awexis, I tirsty." Emmette said as he tugged on my dress. I looked at my phone and the time was 5:56 p.m. "Emmette go sit down and I will get you something to drink." I said guiding him to the couch. As I walked into the kitchen I heard someone knock on the door. "Emmette don't answer the door!" He never listens so I ran out to the door and answered it. "Hi, can I hel-." I wasn't paying attention and when I looked up it was Niall. "Niall what are you doing here?" I said curiously.

"I need your help. I have to get Nori a birthday present but I don't know what to get her." He said panickly. "So you showed up at my house which I two hours away from your house just to ask me what you should get your girlfriend for her birthday?" It's Niall showing up with a dumb reason he could figure out himself....doesn't suprise me.

"No, actually I got her a present already, Liam asked me to come pick up someone named Emmette." He said walking over to the couch and sitting down. "Emmette is our little brother, and why couldn't he pick him up?" I said sort of worried because I didn't know what was going on.

"Olivia is having the baby." What the hell nobody told me. "Niall you idiot! Why didn't anybody tell me?" I was so mad at this point. "Because she knew you had a date with Harry tonight and she didn't want to ruin your date." He said calmly. "I like Harry and want to go on that date but you're talking about my niece or nephew." I quickly said trying to find my phone.


      How far are you dialated?




      I'm on my way. And thanks for trying to make my date better but ur having my niece or nephew and ur my bestfriend, I wouldn't miss this for the world


         Thanks girly :)

My dad had an explorer he doesn't use so he lets me drive it. I grabbed the keys and put Emmette in his carseat and grabbed his bag that had pull-ups and his sippycup and snacks. I got in the explorer and followed Niall to the hospital.

On the way there I turned on the radio which was finishing Royals. I changed the station so that Emmette could listen to little kid music, and I listen to it all the way to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital Emmette started crying saying that he had to the bathroom.

I turned the car off and quickly got out to get Emmette. "Ok, I don't know if Zayn and Perrie are in here but if they are be cool." Niall said as I caught up to him. "I didn't intend on talking to them anyways. Did you say Perrie as in Perrie Edwards from our algebra class?" I said picking up Emmette and putting him on my hip because I knew he couldn't keep up with us. "Yep." Niall turned his head toward me.

When we got into the hospital I saw Louis, Veronica, Harry, Nori, Zayn, and Perrie sitting in the waiting room. "Lexi, is that your son?" Perrie spoke up. "I don't have a baby anymore, he is my brother." I said in a prissy tone while rolling my eyes at her. Harry got up and kissed me on the cheek."Hey what did I tell you about the kissing, we aren't dating." I laughed alittle as he smiled.

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