1: Starting New

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"Hello?" I call out into the huddled crowd of the Special Victims Unit. Everyone has their eyes trained on the television screen and computer monitors ahead. They have a map of the world with little red dots scattered all across it. No doubt this is a sting of some sort, but I just am not sure what kind yet. "Is there a Lieutenant Murphy I can talk to?" I call out louder to try and get someone's attention.

"Can I help you?" An older man with a white beard approaches me, clearly wanting to put his attention back on the screen, back on the job.

"I'm Maddison Grey, I'm your new transfer." I offer out my hand for him to take.

He looks down at it but doesn't accept. Instead pulling me by the arm gently towards all the people "nice to meet you Maddison, we could use a few more hands here today" and he throws me right into work. As we approach the team working on the investigation he commands out loud, "its been 30 minutes. What's the score so far?"

A blonde on a computer responds, "just under 800 responses."

"Heavy in the Eastern Block, China, and the American South." A man in a suit says, turning to face everyone.

Another man adds on, "no comment."

Lieutenant Murphy tells everyone, "turn those IPs over to the FBI and interpol." He then speaks a bit louder, "everyone, this is detective Maddison Grey, she's joining us fresh out of the FBI academy. Welcome her when the time is right. For now, let's keep going. Any in our backyard, Amaro?" He asks one of the people on the computers.

"Four in Brooklyn, three in Queens." He comments back after a second of typing. He's a handsome man, Latino I think.

"Any in Manhattan?" I jump in and ask, ready to prove myself.

Lietenent Murphy looks over at me, forming a small grin but then turns back to the computer screen, someone answers me, "one confirmed so far. Municipal IP address, calls himself Flash."

Another women comes to the side of Lieutenant Murphy, "that must be the guy who told Lucy that he wanted to meet her in Bangkok and bring her to New York."

"Is he still at work?" Murphy asks.

The man on one of the computers, I believe Declan called him Amaro answers quickly, "Yeah."

He nods and gives a command, "Fin, Amaro, go pick him up."

The two men at the computers leave. The women who was next to Murphy comes over to me, opening her free hand to shake mine, "I'm sergeant Olivia Benson. Welcome to SVU!" She smiles politely to me and I take her hand. "This is Amanda Rollins.' She looks to her side to introduce the blonde to me.

"Hi. I'm Maddison, nice to meet you both!" I shake the other women's hand as well with a smile on my face.

"So, you were on your way to join the FBI, what made you change gears?" Amanda asks me, standing up from the chair.

"You deal with a lot more than just special victims there. My father was a part of the behavior analysis unit, I've seen what the job can do to people. I want to save people, get criminals and creeps off the street but I want to have a life too, yanno?" I explain.

"Yea, good luck with that here." Amanda says but quickly changes the subject, "let me show you to your desk." She walks me a few feet away to an empty desk with just a phone, computer, and chair at it, "have at it." She opens her arms towards it and I place my bag down on the chair. I didn't bring much with me but unpacked the few things I did that were in my bag. Afterwards, I get logged into the system and prepare for a good first day on the job. Already excited to have been welcomed in on this case.

"Grey!" Murphy calls out into the pit of people, "I want you in on the interview with Montlieff!" He finishes saying as he reaches me.

"Alright," I say back trying to hide how nervous I was.

"Are you sure about this Declan? I think she should watch from the window, see how we do things." Olivia tries to say quietly to him.

Declan shakes his head, "I want her in there. Let's go, they're waiting for you." He directs and I quickly hustle behind him to the interrogation room.

"This doesn't look good Gordo." The man I met briefly, Fin, starts off the interview sitting besides him. Amanda sits across and I stand against the wall by the window.

The sweaty man spits back in a stutter "th-that girl and I were just talking."

"About sex, with a 14-year-old." I comment with an eye-roll for emphasis.

"She is not 14!" He argues to us all, badly.

"That doesn't matter. You thought she was." She says to him next, letting him know we don't care what he says.

"Wait, so I'm arrested for thinking?" He spits back, doing his best to talk his way out of this.

"We have you on chat talking about what you would like to do this girl, the jury will see her and believe she is 14. Even if you claim you don't, you're done for." I explain to him what we have, catching on to how scared he is.

"Flash, we know that you talked to your friends in chat rooms, on websites." Amanda goes on, Finn allowing her to take the lead and be the quiet one in the interrogation. "Now, did you ever take the next step? Did you ever meet them?"

"Some of those guys, they're sick. If I turn them in, they'll come after me." He says with a shaky voice.

"As if the inmates aren't gonna come after a pedophile like you in prison." Fin drops the hammer on him and he sighs in disbelief.

"Fine, I have some names in a file on my computer." He gives up easily.

"Just some names?" Rollins asks him.

He puts his head in between his hands, "you have some paper?" He asks.

Rollins looks to Finn who looks to her and then they both look to me. I pull out the pad of paper I'm carrying and toss it onto the table in front of him, "here!" I say out loud as it hits with a clang.

"He mentioned some friends, but it's all pretty vague." Fin says once out of the box and in the Lieutenant's office.

I add on, "still fighting the hook."

Murphy returns to us, "if he was done, he would've lawyered up. Let him stew in holding for a while."

"He doesn't strike me as the reflective type." Benson comments to him.

"Maybe he needs a shoulder to cry on?" I offer the idea.

Murphy eyes me,"what do you have in mind?"

"Go undercover in the holding cell." I offer quickly with a half shrug.

He shares a glance with detective Benson and turns back to me with a nod, "let's do it."

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now