39: Family Problems

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The next morning in the office, Sonny walks in all smiles with a box in his hand. "Cannoli?" He asks coming to me first.

"Eww, no." I respond back, hating things with cream in the middle.

He turns to Amanda "Cannoli?"

She answers back sarcastically "What, are you trying to make me fat?"

He chuckles "Come on, it's still winter."

She puts her finger up "Just to be polite" and she pulls one out of the box.

"Hey, want one?" He asks Nick as he walks by.

Nick looks down and tries to decline "I'm good, thanks."

Amanda pipes in "don't make me eat alone."

He looks at her for a moment and says "i'll take one for later."

"Yeah, there you go." Sonny nods, clearly in a great mood.

Just then, his sister rushes into the room "Sonny, where you been? I've been texting you all morning. Jeez."

She looks disheveled and I stand up from my desk and stand next to her.

"Sorry. I had class last night." He tells her, leaving out the part of him coming over from there. "I must have left my phone on airplane mode." He turns his attention to Amanda and Nick, wrapping his arm around his sister "Hey, guys, this is my sister, Bella."

"Hi." They both say back.

"Oh, hey." She says, clearly not all there.

Sonny then catches on "hey, are you okay? What's— what's going on?" He asks, trying to meet her eye level.

She shakes her head and starts rambling "Tommy didn't come home last night. I'm totally freaking out."

He asks her"when's the last time you talked to him?"

"Right after my sonogram. He was still waiting for his parole officer, and then now his phone is going straight to voice-mail." Her voice is in a panic and her breath is labored.

"Calm down." He tries to tell her. "Did you call his parole officer?"

"Are you crazy?" She responds back.

He nods and begins to take her to the interview room "come here. Just take a seat in here. We'll get you some water. Don't worry, we'll find him, okay?" He tells her and she goes into the room, dropping her self into a chair and putting her head into her hands.

I grab the water for Sonny and he mumbles to me "thanks. Start looking in last nights arrest, I bet he got picked up."

I nod my head to him and return to my computer. It doesn't take long to find him being held at a precinct near his parole office. Sonny and I take the car and make our way to get him out. "ook, I didn't want to bother you, Sonny. Thanks for coming." Tommy trails behind Sonny as we leave the precinct, getting him out of the cell he was in holding for.

Sonny answers him, clearly upset "my sister's going out of her mind worrying about you."

"I'm sorry." He says again.

I can tell how annoyed he is "now she's going to find out you got into some drunken bar fight?"

Tommy pleads "you can't tell Bella. You got to promise me. You got to swear."

Sonny turns, now near the car "you drank, you got busted. I'm not covering for you." He rattles off to him. "Also, you're in the system, which means your parole officer's already been notified."

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now