47: Rape Culture

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The next two weeks Sonny and I work together awkwardly through out different cases. I do my best to keep distance through interviews and calls, only having to do three ride alongs with just him and I.

When we get to work on Monday, Olivia has us all gather around and watch an airing from last night. Once it's almost over, Sonny turns it off and says "this is what you do with your Sundays off?"

Olivia responds "me and Gracie Mansion, apparently. And now, 1pp is pissed because they got caught flat-footed on national TV."

I answer her "america's Worst Crimes has a huge following. This is gonna go viral."

Sonny adds "yeah, I looked into it. The report says the attack happened in December, but NYPD's got no record of a complaint from the vic or Hudson U." He looks to all of us, making sure we're listening "she did say that Hudson University ignored her."

"And God knows we've been down that road before." Olivia adds on.

"I know that the tail wags the dog, but these TV shows are in it for the ratings." Amanda remarks "we don't know that any of this really even happened."

"Yeah, I'm all for overtime, but don't we have enough work to do?" Sonny asks our boss.

"Guys, this isn't LMZ. It is a legitimate national news magazine. They interviewed her. She disclosed. And I got a call from dodds, who got a call from the mayor. So we are going to investigate."

Rollins returns "we don't even know who this girl is."

Olivia starts to walk to her office "America's Worst Crimes does."

Finn calls after her "don't make me talk to reporters."

"No, Grey and Carisi are on it." She calls back.

As I feel him eye me, I keep my eyes on my own hands, cursing her for putting me on this with my partner. We make our way to the T.V. station and show our badges to get in. Once there, we find the lead reporter as he finishes up a pre-recorded filming "Detectives. I'm guessing you're here about the Hudson story." He asks us, already on the move.

"Yeah, well, you got everybody talking, including our bosses." Sonny answers him.

"Well, that's gratifying. And not just the Peabody buzz, but for AWC to be in a position to amplify what's going on behind those lvy walls." He responds to us, moving past people who move aside for him.

Sonny answers back "yeah, well, you amplify, we investigate."

I add on "so we're going to need to talk to Jane."

He stops where he was walking and looks at us "well, I'd love to help, especially with what that girl had to suffer through. But I can't give you her name."

"Your report says she was gang-raped. Now's not the time to hide behind the first amendment." I tell him.

He shakes his head a bit "I'm not falling on my journalistic sword. The only way Jane would talk was if I promised her anonymity. She's scared to death of those fraternity boys." Someone comes by and grabs a signature from him.

Sonny tells him "we can find a judge who will compel you to hand over your sources and raw footage."

"All right, look, I'll kick the footage request upstairs. That's not my call. As for Jane, I can put you in touch with the woman who shopped me the story." He offers "maybe she can convince Jane to talk to NYPD." We look at each other with a nod, putting our own issues aside to do our jobs. "Come on" he gestures for us to follow him.

He quickly sets up a meeting for us with the women who convinced Jane to come forward with her story "professor Dillon?" I ask as we approach the women, she nods and we show her our credentials "detectives Grey, and Detective Carisi. We're from SVU."

"How can I help?" She asks as if she doesn't know what we are there for.

"We just, um... We wanted to talk to you for a minute about the AWC segment last night." I utter out, playing the friendly, on everyone's side cop I think she needs to hear.

"Sure." She answers, continuing her walk down the college hallway "I thought it was important, what they did. I'm glad they started the dialogue."

"Hey, listen, we were hoping that you could get us in touch with— with Jane." I interrupt her from continuing "the reporter said you introduced them."

She stops and turns to us "I thought it was crucial her story be heard. But Jane already tried to disclose once, to the school. You heard how that turned out."

Sonny vocalizes "look, whatever happened between the victim--"

She speaks up "survivor."

He takes her lead "okay, the survivor and the university, that's got nothing to do with us."

She goes on "you have to understand, this woman is still extremely fragile. To subject her to harsh scrutiny, the legal system, her going from--"

Sonny interjects "all due respect, Professor, obviously we'd like to go through you, but if you're just gonna get in the way, we'll go over or around you."

She stands up a bit taller "interesting phallocentric choice of language, Detective."

I smile at her, grabbing Sonny's arm for a moment "my partner is still a work in progress." I let go, refocusing on the professor "listen, we all know that something terrible happened to Jane. We don't want these guys to get away with it."

"I hear you. I do. I just don't think that Jane wants to deal with any of this." She answers, moving away from us. "But I'll give her a call." She adds before she's completely far enough away from us to hear.

Later in the day I get a call from the professor as she tell's me Jane will not talk to us due to fear of retribution form the fraternity or the university.

After I hang up, I turn my attention to Sonny to let him know what I was told "that was Professor Dillon. Jane says she's not going to talk to us. That she'll come forward when and where she wants."

"What does that mean?" He asks quizzically.

"She's scared to make an official complaint." I speak back "and knowing what we know, I can't blame her."

I move to make myself a coffee "so that leaves us where?" He asks me, following behind me.

I pour myself a cup and explain "back at square one."

Just as I start to pour the milk into my cup he says "Dillon's no help. Hey, speaking of which, what was that crack about me still being a work in progress?"

I roll my eyes as I finish up "Oh, come on, Carisi." I use his last name, trying to get across I'm over the fight we had "the lady's a rape advocate. She's got a chip about male detectives. I figured I could earn her trust if I align myself with her."

"Hmm." He utters back "had nothing to do with the fight we had a few weeks back?" He pushes.

I look at him a bit shocked "no, come on." I spit "I wouldn't let that get in the way of work."

He thinks about it for a moment then adds "Right, well rape advocate, I don't even get what that is. I mean, there's no burglary advocate. There's no carjacking advocates."

I eye him "when's the last time a carjacking victim got asked, "are you sure you didn't want your car to get stolen?"

"Okay, I get that." He says back and I go to return to my desk. "Hmm. All right." He continues on "but still, she's just getting in our way."

I look over mt shoulder at him, filling him in "yeah, well, that's SVU. Get used to it." I take a seat to get back to research but notice when Sonny grabs his chair and goes to leave "where are you going?" I call to him.

"Back to campus" he informs me, starting to walk out "I don't want to tell the sarge we came up empty-handed." I decide to let him go, wanting to follow up on things on my own, away from him.

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