14: Old Friends

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"Thanks for your help, Dominick!" I roll my eyes at him once we are back at my old home and my father has retired to go to sleep.

Sonny laughs a little, keeping his voice low, "I'm not going to stand up to an FBI agent, you crazy?" He asks, his smile still wide.

"Retired FBI!" I remind him.

"What's the big deal?" He asks back, "now we can sleep in beds that aren't stained and take a shower with good pressure. I'm fine with it." He says like that's that.

"But it's not your dad's house we're staying at. Ugh, you're annoying." I roll my eyes yet again and walk out of the living room and towards my old bedroom.

"Night Maddy!" Sonny calls back to me and I turn to give him a death glare at the nickname he used. I see him try to hide the smile and laughter and continue storming away from him.

I close the door to my room and get ready for bed. I set the alarm and hop into the queen size bed. I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow, "Grey, wake up!" A call from outside my bedroom door wakes me up.

I hear my alarm next to me going off and turn it off, grumbling towards my door, "come in" I mutter.

"You always such a heavy sleeper?" Sonny asks me, fully dressed and already set to go.

I rub my eyes, "Yeah, I'm a a pretty heavier sleeper.
I'll be ready in 15." I look at the clock on my wall.

"Make sure your brush out that rat's nest." He points towards me and shuts the door on his way out.

15 minutes later I am in the kitchen, pouring some coffee into a travel mug and heading to the training. My father has already gone for the day, retired but still consulting for the FBI. "Just so you know, I'll probably know every agent here today. They'll be a lot of hand shaking for you." I give him a heads up.

"You really grew up around everyone in Washington?" He asks me.

"I've met a president or two, yah." I beam sarcastically as if it's something most people brag about. He chuckles back and the rest of the drive consists of him asking me questions about the FBI.

As soon as we walk into the building I am met with agent Livingston and Agent Morgan, "Little Maddy Grey! How are you doing?" Livingston comes over and hugs me.

"Hi Michael!" I say to him., "Hi Derek." I look over to an old friend.

"Long time Maddison." He smiles his perfect smile towards me and embraces me in a long hug. "Surprised to see you back here."

"Oh, I'm sure my father had some strings pulled to get me here for this training." I smile as we part and turn to introduce them to Sonny, "this is my partner, Sonny Carisi." He shakes hands with the two of them.

"I hope you're taking care of this girl in the big apple, it could be a scary place." Morgan comments to him jokingly.

I slap Morgan on the arm, "you know well enough I can take care of myself."

He chuckles in response, "you sure can. It's good to see you Maddison." He squeezes my arm just a bit and him and Michael leave the two of us standing there.

"Better get signed in." I turn to Sonny who is looking at me strangely, "what?" I ask a bit self conscious.

He just shrugs and walks away towards the sign in desk. 15 minutes later we are in our seats and waiting for the training to get started. Morgan and Michael walk out into the room and everyone sits up, ready to learn more about the behavior of serial killers. Unfortunately, Morgan calls on me more than enough times to answer questions the other agents and detectives can't answer. They dismiss us for an hour lunch at 11:30 and Sonny and I make our way to the cafeteria, "why would they send you here? It sounds like you could teach the class." Sonny asks once we are seated.

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now