30: A Guest

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I finally get to go home around 2 in the morning. Johnny D's arraignment is in the morning at 8 and I'm hoping for a few solid hours before heading there. As I approach my front steps a see a body sitting in the stoop with their head resting against the brick wall. "Sonny?" I ask once close enough to see his swollen face. He registers me being there and stands up "what are you doing here, it's like 12 degrees out here!" I go closer to him and to my door to open it and let him in. I enter the numbers to get in and the door unlocks for us.

"I think we should talk about what happened earlier." He says once the door closes behind him, blocking out the cold air.

I look at his face which is painted red from the cold and I usher him to the elevator. "You're freezing!" I push the button and it opens instantly and I grab his hands once the doors shut and notice only then the flowers he's holding.

"These are for you." He offers it to me now with a sort of smirk. I take them and tuck them under my arms. I take both of his hands in mine to try and warm them up. "Maddison." He says my name, causing my knees to shake underneath me.

He tries to pull his hands away but I hold them firmly in my grip. "We will talk about it, okay? Let's just get you warmed up first, yah?" I ask looking up to his crystal blue eyes. He nods back and the elevator opens at my floor. I pull him towards my apartment with one hand and fish out my keys awkwardly with the other as the flowers rest under that arm. I manage to get them out and get us inside. "Take a seat, want coffee or tea?" I ask already moving to the kitchen.

"Tea, please." He answers and I fill the pot with water to boil. As it starts to warm I look to Sonny whose still rubbing his hands together. I move to a closet I have with extra linens and grab a wool blanket. I go over to wrap it around him and he thanks me as I do. "I didn't know it was going to be the coldest night of the year." He tries to joke to lighten the mood.

"You know, you could've waited for me at the precinct. Or called me." I remind him of a thing called cell phones.

He shrugs one shoulder "I didn't want anyone else around when we talked about it." The tea pot begins to whistle and I go over to pour the water into the mug. I bring Sonny the only tea I have and he wraps his hands around the mug. "So, can we talk about what happened now?"

I sigh and nod my head trying to hide my smirk "we can and I'll let you go first." I place myself against a pillar, perching a foot on the wall and resting my hands at my side.

"I'm sorry I let it get that far Maddison. I don't know what got into me but it was completely unprofessional." He starts off, hurting me a little. I was hoping to hear about how much he enjoyed it. Maybe hearing he enjoyed it as much as I did.

"It was." I simply agree, not wanting to confess something different.

"We can't let that happen again." He continues and I nod looking down at my own fingernails to hide my pained expression "at work that is" he throws on after a few seconds of silence.

"What?" I look back up to him and he's now smirking back at me, his eyes glistening.

He returns back "I can't stop thinking about you Maddison, and I can't stop thinking about before." He stands up, shrugging off the blanket and walking over to where I'm standing against. "Tell me you don't want this and I'll go." He whispers as his breath brushes across my face. His body close to mine where I can still feel the coldness that he brought in from outside against his suit rushes through me.

"I've wanted this for so long." I manage to spit out barely above a whisper, telling him my truth. His lips quickly brush against mine and he lifts me up and against the wall. I wrap my legs around him and put my hands around his neck. His lips are chapped, probably from sitting outside but their the warmest lips I've ever felt. His tongue roams around my mouth, playing with mine as we enjoy this blissful state. He swings me around and starts to nibble at my neck as he moves to the couch in my small living room "mmmm, my rooms right over there!" I manage to hum and point between my panted breathes. He begins to lower me to the floor and I let my feet touch the ground as his eyes stare into mine.

"Are you sure?" He asks, trying to hide a grin.

I roll my eyes "didn't you hear me, I've wanted this Sonny." I assure him and pull him by the hand to my bedroom.

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now