11: Famous Love

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"Hey Grey, you see this?" Sonny asks me when I walk into the station Tuesday morning a few days after the Shakir case closes.

"This time, she's accused of leaving the scene of an accident." I go over to the television screen, catching the announcer talk about a famous actress. I shake my head, "what's with these girls? Child stars at nine, sexual icons at 15, flame-outs by 20."

"Yeah, I know about this." Amanda comes over to us, "Tensley Evans, Nick told me, he caught the case."

"Nick? That guy's a disaster magnet." Sonny stands up and says to us, only partially joking.

Amanda stares at him, thinking over his comment. Then she simply states, "I liked you better with the 'stache."

Sonny feels his face where his mustache used to be and looks to me with a sort of shrug. I shake my head disagreeing with her, "oh no, you're way better off without it." I simply put it, actually admiring his face a bit. I always thought he had great eyes but now they stand out even more. He seems taller now somehow, and maybe more confident as well.

"Grey, Carisi get ready. Tensley is coming in with her lawyer." Benson calls out to us from her office.

We eye each other with an eye brow raise and prepare for the interview. She arrives dolled up with her lawyer and mother, ready for blood. We sit down in the room outside Benson's office and Sonny starts the conversation off easy, "my nieces are huge fans of yours."

"You want an autograph?" The girl asks with an eye roll, rolling some hair between her fingers.

"You need a glass of water before we get started?" I ask her, moving along.

"How about a mimosa?" She asks with a snarky smile, already knowing the answer.

"Miss Evans, you're here accusing someone of a serious offense. You can go to prison for everything that happened." I explain to her as simply as I can.

Her mother quickly jumps in, "my daughter does not deserve to go to prison, she needs help."

Sonny continues off her statement, "well, she was getting help. Which didn't actually seem to help."

"These are serious charges. Drunk driving, fleeing the scene, falsely accusing a police officer." I read off the list to them.

Tensley returns, "why does everyone automatically assume I'm lying?"

"Because you are. You ever heard of Dash cam footage?" Sonny calls her bluff.

Tensley's eyes open a bite wider and she pushes her lips together, "Um..."

Her lawyer knows now to get a say in, "all right, all right, my client was in an agitated state. Maybe she misinterpreted the officer's actions."

Her mom argues him, "if Tensley says someone assaulted her, someone assaulted her!"

Her lawyer argues, "Donna, Donna! Stop."

Tensley's breathing picks up, "hey, mom, I don't feel well."

She quickly gets up and goes to her daughter, rubbing her hand down her back, "breathe, baby, breathe. Breathe. Remember. She needs some water for her Xanax. Please, somebody!"

I nod to Sonny who comments, "why don't you come with me, Mrs. Evans. I'm sure we can find a clean glass."

"Marvin!" She demands to her left.

"We'll be fine, Donna." He assures her.

She disagrees, "I am not just her mother, I am her court-appointed--"

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now